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参考视频旧手机改电脑外挂,简陋的参考视频_手机游戏热门视频 (bilibili.com)







  1. import keyboard
  2. import time
  3. from screen_shot import ScreenCapture
  4. import io
  5. import pyautogui
  6. class KeyboardListener:
  7. def __init__( self, tcpServer):
  8. self.tcpServer = tcpServer
  9. self.t = 0
  10. self.c = 0
  11. self.key_state_map={}
  12. self.screen_capture = None
  13. def listen_keyboard( self,callback):
  14. self.callback = callback
  15. keyboard.hook(self.onKeyEvent)
  16. keyboard.wait()
  17. def onImgCapture( self,pic):
  18. imgByteArr = io.BytesIO()
  19. pic.save(imgByteArr, format= 'JPEG')
  20. bytes_data = imgByteArr.getvalue()
  21. self.tcpServer.send_img(bytes_data)
  22. def isCtrlHolding( self):
  23. return ( 'ctrl' in self.key_state_map and self.key_state_map[ 'ctrl']== 'down')\
  24. or ( 'left ctrl' in self.key_state_map and self.key_state_map[ 'left ctrl']== 'down')\
  25. or ( 'right ctrl' in self.key_state_map and self.key_state_map[ 'right ctrl']== 'down')
  26. def isAltHolding( self):
  27. return ( 'alt' in self.key_state_map and self.key_state_map[ 'alt']== 'down')\
  28. or ( 'left alt' in self.key_state_map and self.key_state_map[ 'left alt']== 'down')\
  29. or ( 'right alt' in self.key_state_map and self.key_state_map[ 'right alt']== 'down')
  30. def isKeyHolding( self,key):
  31. return (key in self.key_state_map and self.key_state_map[key]== 'down')
  32. def onKeyEvent( self,key):
  33. #update key_state_map
  34. self.key_state_map[key.name.lower()]=key.event_type
  35. #is screenshoot?
  36. if self.isKeyHolding( "caps lock")\
  37. and key.event_type== "down"\
  38. and key.name.lower()== "a":
  39. self.screen_capture = ScreenCapture()
  40. self.screen_capture.are_capture(self.onImgCapture)
  41. #print(self.key_state_map)
  42. #is triple c?
  43. # if key.event_type=="down" \
  44. # and key.name.lower()=="c" \
  45. # and self.isCtrlHolding():
  46. #
  47. # if self.t == 0:
  48. # self.t=time.time()
  49. # self.c += 1
  50. # print("wait for nex c",self.c)
  51. # return
  52. #
  53. # if (time.time()-self.t<0.5):
  54. # self.t=time.time()
  55. # self.c += 1
  56. # print("wait for nex c:",self.c)
  57. #
  58. # else:
  59. # self.c = 0
  60. # self.t=0
  61. # print("wait for nex c",self.c)
  62. #
  63. # if self.c>=2:
  64. # self.c=0
  65. # print("need trans")
  66. # if self.callback:
  67. # self.callback()
  68. if key.event_type== "down" \
  69. and key.name.lower()== "q" \
  70. and self.isCtrlHolding():
  71. pyautogui.hotkey( 'ctrl', 'c')
  72. print( "need trans")
  73. if self.callback:
  74. self.callback()


  1. import json
  2. import time
  3. from ComputerMonitor import ComputerMonitor
  4. from KeyboardListener import KeyboardListener
  5. from TcpServer import TcpServer
  6. from service import *
  7. import threading
  8. def on_message_received( data):
  9. command_message = json.loads(data)
  10. script = command_message[ "script"]
  11. params = command_message[ "params"]
  12. exec(script)
  13. def on_screen_locked():
  14. print( "screen locked")
  15. data = json.dumps({ "command": 2, "message": ""})
  16. print(data)
  17. tcpServer.send_text(data)
  18. computerMonitor = ComputerMonitor(on_screen_locked)
  19. def on_tcp_connected():
  20. if not computerMonitor.started:
  21. computerMonitor.start()
  22. tcpServer = TcpServer()
  23. tcpServer.set_receive_listener(on_message_received)
  24. tcpServer.connected_listener = on_tcp_connected
  25. tcpServer.start()
  26. keyboardListener = KeyboardListener(tcpServer)
  27. def onTrans():
  28. print( "need trans1111")
  29. content = getClipContent()
  30. text = json.dumps({ "command": 1, "message":content})
  31. tcpServer.send_text(text)
  32. def Trans_alive(): #用来进行TCP保活
  33. content = ''
  34. # text = json.dumps({"command":1,"message":content})
  35. text = json.dumps({ "command": 11, "message":content}) #这里之所以用11,而不是1,是因为原作者的command1对应的命令是翻译,会在手机端触发对应的翻译任务看,而11就只相当于是一条空命令了,既可以完成保活,又不会干扰手机端的命令执行,一举两得
  36. print( "text:", text)
  37. tcpServer.send_text(text)
  38. def run():
  39. print( '用来保活的,不用管我')
  40. t = threading.Timer( 3, run)
  41. t.start()
  42. Trans_alive()
  43. t = threading.Timer( 3,run)
  44. t.start()
  45. keyboardListener.listen_keyboard(onTrans)






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