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规则1:不允许强符号被多次定义(即不同的目标文件中不能有同名的 强符号);如果有多个强符号定义,则链接器报符号重复定义错误。

规则2:如果一个符号在某个目标文件中是强符号,在其他文件中都是 弱符号,那么选择强符号。

规则3:如果一个符号在所有目标文件中都是弱符号,那么选择其中占 用空间最大的一个。比如目标文件A定义全局变量global为int型,占4个 字节;目标文件B定义global为double型,占8个字节,那么目标文件A和 B链接后,符号global占8个字节(尽量不要使用多个不同类型的弱符 号,否则容易导致很难发现的程序错误)。


这种弱符号和弱引用对于库来说十分有用,比如库中定义的弱符号可以 被用户定义的强符号所覆盖,从而使得程序可以使用自定义版本的库函数。


  1. #include <stdio.h>
  2. #include <pthread.h>
  3. int pthread_create( pthread_t*,
  4. const pthread_attr_t*,
  5. void* (*)( void*),
  6. void*) __ attribute__ ((weak));
  7. int main()
  8. {
  9. if(pthread_create) {
  10. printf( "This is multi-thread version!\n");
  11. // run the multi-thread version
  12. // main_multi_thread()
  13. } else {
  14. printf( "This is single-thread version!\n");
  15. // run the single-thread version
  16. // main_single_thread()
  17. }
  18. }


  1. $ gcc pthread.c -o pt
  2. $ ./pt
  3. This is single-thread version!
  4. $ gcc pthread.c -lpthread -o pt
  5. $ ./pt
  6. This is multi-thread version!

但是在我的linux和osx上,无论是否带编译选项 -lpthread 结果都为

This is single-thread version!

后来猜测 -lpthread 没有找到pthread_create符号导致的,并在其他的blog中找到了相同的问题

In GCC, the -pthread (aka -pthreads) option manages both the compiler preprocessor /and/ linker to enable compilation with Posix threads. The preprocessor will define/enable/use Posix threads versions of some macros (or perform conditional compilation to enable Posix threads logic), and the linker will specifically link the resultant object against libpthread

However, -lpthread simply tells the linker to attempt to resolve any external references against the libpthread library, in the same way that -lm tells the linker to attempt to resolve any external references against the libm library. For -lpthread, your code might not contain external references to libpthread, even if you wrote Posix thread code, because the critical macros haven't been switched on.

简单来说就是,-pthread 会去多个库中链接符号,同时会在编译和链接的时候都打开多线程的宏,但是-lpthread只从libpthread中链接,详情见:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15115260/pthread-library-undefined-reference


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