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  1. Django: Python Web应用开发框架
  2. Diesel:基于Greenlet的事件I/O框架
  3. Flask:一个用Python编写的轻量级Web应用框架
  4. Cubes:轻量级Python OLAP框架
  5. Kartograph.py:创造矢量地图的轻量级Python框架
  6. Web2py:全栈式Web框架
  7. Pulsar:Python的事件驱动并发框架
  8. Falcon:构建云API和网络应用后端的高性能Python框架
  9. Bottle: 微型Python Web框架
  10. Tornado:异步非阻塞IO的Python Web框架
  11. webpy: 轻量级的Python Web框架









官方解释 greenlet 是轻量级的并行编程,gevent 就是利用 greenlet 实现的基于协程(coroutine)的 python 的网络 library,通过使用greenlet提供了一个在libev事件循环顶部的高级别并发API。即 gevent 是对 greenlet 的高级封装。



  1. WSGI介绍:
  2. PythonWeb服务器网关接口(Python Web Server Gateway Interface,缩写为WSGI)是Python应用程序或框架和Web服务器之间的一种接口,已经被广泛接受, 它已基本达成它的可移植性方面的目标。WSGI 没有官方的实现, 因为WSGI更像一个协议. 只要遵照这些协议,WSGI应用(Application)都可以在任何服务器(Server)上运行, 反之亦然。
  3. WSGI标准在 PEP333中定义并被许多框架实现,其中包括现广泛使用的django、flask框架。
  4. 诞生背景:
  5. 以前如何选择合适的Web应用程序框架成为困扰Python初学者的一个问题,这是因为,一般而言,Web应用框架的选择将限制可用的Web服务器的选择,反之亦然。那时的Python应用程序通常是为CGI,FastCGI,mod_python中的一个而设计,甚至是为特定Web服务器的自定义的API接口而设计的。WSGI(有时发音作'wiz-gee')是作为Web服务器与Web应用程序或应用框架之间的一种低级别的接口,以提升可移植Web应用开发的共同点。WSGI是基于现存的CGI标准而设计的。


Gunicorn是一个unix上被广泛使用的高性能的Python WSGI UNIX HTTP Server。和大多数的web框架兼容,并具有实现简单,轻量级,高性能等特点。gunicorn是支持wsgi协议的http服务器,gevent只是它支持的模式之一,是为了解决django、flask这些web框架自带wsgi server性能低下的问题。自带的webserver更多的是测试用途,线上发布时,最好使用高性能的wsgi server或者是联合nginx做uwsgi。


  1. pip install gunicorn
  2. pip install gevent


  1. #!usr/bin/env python
  2. #encoding:utf-8
  3. from __future__ import division
  4. '''
  5. __Author__:沂水寒城
  6. 功能: gunicorn+flask Demo
  7. '''
  8. from flask import *
  9. #过滤掉警示信息
  10. import warnings
  11. warnings.filterwarnings( "ignore")
  12. app=Flask(__name__)
  13. @app.route("/")
  14. def init():
  15. '''
  16. 初始化启动接口
  17. http://localhost:5000/
  18. '''
  19. return u"gunicorn+flask web服务正常启动........"
  20. if __name__ == '__main__':
  21. app.run(host= '',port= 5000)


gunicorn -w 10 -b myApp:app



gunicorn -h


  1. usage: gunicorn [OPTIONS] [APP_MODULE]
  2. optional arguments:
  3. -h, --help show this help message and exit
  4. -v, --version show program 's version number and exit
  5. -m INT, --umask INT A bit mask for the file mode on files written by
  6. Gunicorn. [0]
  7. --worker-connections INT
  8. The maximum number of simultaneous clients. [1000]
  9. --max-requests INT The maximum number of requests a worker will process
  10. before restarting. [0]
  11. --graceful-timeout INT
  12. Timeout for graceful workers restart. [30]
  13. --access-logfile FILE
  14. The Access log file to write to. [None]
  15. --reload-engine STRING
  16. The implementation that should be used to power
  17. :ref:`reload`. [auto]
  18. --preload Load application code before the worker processes are
  19. forked. [False]
  20. -D, --daemon Daemonize the Gunicorn process. [False]
  21. --strip-header-spaces
  22. Strip spaces present between the header name and the
  23. the ``:``. [False]
  24. --certfile FILE SSL certificate file [None]
  25. --log-syslog-to SYSLOG_ADDR
  26. Address to send syslog messages. [udp://localhost:514]
  27. --statsd-prefix STATSD_PREFIX
  28. Prefix to use when emitting statsd metrics (a trailing
  29. ``.`` is added, []
  30. -w INT, --workers INT
  31. The number of worker processes for handling requests.
  32. [1]
  33. --max-requests-jitter INT
  34. The maximum jitter to add to the *max_requests*
  35. setting. [0]
  36. --no-sendfile Disables the use of ``sendfile()``. [None]
  37. --reuse-port Set the ``SO_REUSEPORT`` flag on the listening socket.
  38. [False]
  39. --worker-tmp-dir DIR A directory to use for the worker heartbeat temporary
  40. file. [None]
  41. -u USER, --user USER Switch worker processes to run as this user. [0]
  42. --reload Restart workers when code changes. [False]
  43. --chdir CHDIR Chdir to specified directory before apps loading.
  44. [/root/cgb/demo]
  45. --access-logformat STRING
  46. The access log format. [%(h)s %(l)s %(u)s %(t)s
  47. "%(r)s" %(s)s %(b)s "%(f)s" "%(a)s"]
  48. --limit-request-fields INT
  49. Limit the number of HTTP headers fields in a request.
  50. [100]
  51. --ca-certs FILE CA certificates file [None]
  52. --spew Install a trace function that spews every line
  53. executed by the server. [False]
  54. --forwarded-allow-ips STRING
  55. Front-end's IPs from which allowed to handle set
  56. secure headers. [ 127.0 .0 .1]
  57. --do-handshake-on-connect
  58. Whether to perform SSL handshake on socket connect
  59. (see stdlib ssl module 's) [False]
  60. -R, --enable-stdio-inheritance
  61. Enable stdio inheritance. [False]
  62. --paste STRING, --paster STRING
  63. Load a PasteDeploy config file. The argument may
  64. contain a ``#`` [None]
  65. --proxy-allow-from PROXY_ALLOW_IPS
  66. Front-end's IPs from which allowed accept proxy
  67. requests (comma separate). [ 127.0 .0 .1]
  68. --logger- class STRING
  69. The logger you want to use to log events in Gunicorn.
  70. [gunicorn.glogging.Logger]
  71. --keep-alive INT The number of seconds to wait for requests on a Keep-
  72. Alive connection. [2]
  73. -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
  74. The Gunicorn config file. [None]
  75. --log-level LEVEL The granularity of Error log outputs. [info]
  76. --paste-global CONF Set a PasteDeploy global config variable in
  77. ``key=value`` form. [[]]
  78. --pythonpath STRING A comma-separated list of directories to add to the
  79. Python path. [None]
  80. --reload-extra-file FILES
  81. Extends :ref:`reload` option to also watch and reload
  82. on additional files [[]]
  83. --capture-output Redirect stdout/stderr to specified file in
  84. :ref:`errorlog`. [ False]
  85. --ciphers CIPHERS SSL Cipher suite to use, in the format of an OpenSSL
  86. cipher list. [ None]
  87. --keyfile FILE SSL key file [ None]
  88. -k STRING, --worker- class STRING
  89. The type of workers to use. [sync]
  90. --log-config-dict LOGCONFIG_DICT
  91. The log config dictionary to use, using the standard
  92. Python [{}]
  93. --log-syslog-prefix SYSLOG_PREFIX
  94. Makes Gunicorn use the parameter as program-name in
  95. the syslog entries. [None]
  96. --backlog INT The maximum number of pending connections. [2048]
  97. --limit-request-line INT
  98. The maximum size of HTTP request line in bytes. [4094]
  99. -p FILE, --pid FILE A filename to use for the PID file. [None]
  100. -b ADDRESS, --bind ADDRESS
  101. The socket to bind. [[' 8000 ']]
  102. --disable-redirect-access-to-syslog
  103. Disable redirect access logs to syslog. [False]
  104. --limit-request-field_size INT
  105. Limit the allowed size of an HTTP request header
  106. field. [8190]
  107. -n STRING, --name STRING
  108. A base to use with setproctitle for process naming.
  109. [None]
  110. --error-logfile FILE, --log-file FILE
  111. The Error log file to write to. [-]
  112. --ssl-version SSL_VERSION
  113. SSL version to use. [_SSLMethod.PROTOCOL_SSLv23]
  114. --cert-reqs CERT_REQS
  115. Whether client certificate is required (see stdlib ssl
  116. module's) [ 0]
  117. -g GROUP, --group GROUP
  118. Switch worker process to run as this group. [ 0]
  119. --proxy-protocol Enable detect PROXY protocol (PROXY mode). [ False]
  120. --threads INT The number of worker threads for handling requests.
  121. [ 1]
  122. -t INT, --timeout INT
  123. Workers silent for more than this many seconds are
  124. killed and restarted. [ 30]
  125. --dogstatsd-tags DOGSTATSD_TAGS
  126. A comma-delimited list of datadog statsd (dogstatsd)
  127. tags to append to statsd metrics. []
  128. --suppress-ragged-eofs
  129. Suppress ragged EOFs (see stdlib ssl module 's) [True]
  130. --log-config FILE The log config file to use. [None]
  131. --initgroups If true, set the worker process's group access list
  132. with all of the [ False]
  133. --check-config Check the configuration. [ False]
  134. --log-syslog Send *Gunicorn* logs to syslog. [ False]
  135. --log-syslog-facility SYSLOG_FACILITY
  136. Syslog facility name [user]
  137. --statsd-host STATSD_ADDR
  138. ``host:port`` of the statsd server to log to. [ None]
  139. -e ENV, --env ENV Set environment variable (key=value). [[]]


  1. #!usr/bin/env python
  2. #encoding:utf-8
  3. import os
  4. import gevent.monkey
  5. gevent.monkey.patch_all()
  6. import multiprocessing
  7. #开发环境可以打开,生产环境可以
  8. #debug = True
  9. #用于控制errorlog的信息级别,可以设置为debug、info、warning、error、critical
  10. loglevel = 'debug'
  11. #监听地址+端口
  12. bind = ""
  13. #定义日志存储
  14. if not os.path.exists( 'log/'):
  15. os.makedirs( 'log/')
  16. pidfile = "log/gunicorn.pid"
  17. #访问日志
  18. accesslog = "log/access.log"
  19. #错误日志
  20. errorlog = "log/debug.log"
  21. #开启后台运行,默认值为False
  22. daemon = True
  23. #启动的进程数,推荐值为:CPU核数*2+1
  24. workers = multiprocessing.cpu_count()* 2+ 1
  25. #指开启的每个工作进程的模式类型,默认为sync模式,也可使用gevent模式
  26. worker_class = 'gevent'
  27. x_forwarded_for_header = 'X-FORWARDED-FOR'



gunicorn -w 4 -b myApp:app



gunicorn --config=config.py API:app








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