
The Lambda Calculus and Combinators

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Combinatory logic and lambda-calculus, originally devised in the 1920s, have since developed into linguistic tools, especially useful in programming languages.

  1. The λ-calculus
  2. Combinatory logic
  3. The power of λ and CL
  4. Computable functions
  5. Undecidability
  6. Formal theories
  7. Extensionality in λ-calculus
  8. Extensionality in CL
  9. Correspondence between λ and CL
  10. Simple typing, Church-style
  11. Simple typing, Curry-style in CL
  12. Simple typing, Curry-style in λ
  13. Generalizations of typing
  14. Models of CL
  15. Models of λ
  16. Scott’s D∞ and other models


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