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Section 1

Create a New Project and Explore the Canvas

Create a new Xcode project that uses SwiftUI. Explore the canvas, previews, and the SwiftUI template code.
To preview and interact with views from the canvas in Xcode, ensure your Mac is running macOS Catalina 10.15
要在Xcode中预览和与来自画布的视图交互,请确保您的Mac运行macOS Catalina 10.15

Step 1
Open Xcode and either click Create a new Xcode project in Xcode’s startup window, or choose File > New > Project.
打开Xcode,在Xcode的启动窗口中单击Create a new Xcode project,或者选 File > New > Project.

Step 2
In the template selector, select iOS as the platform, select the Single View App template, and then click Next.

Step 3
Enter “Landmarks” as the Product Name, select the Use SwiftUI checkbox, and click Next. Choose a location to save the Landmarks project on your Mac.
输入“Landmarks”作为产品名称,选择Use SwiftUI复选框,然后点击Next。选择一个地点来保存项目在您的Mac。

Step 4
In the Project navigator, click to select ContentView.swift.
By default, SwiftUI view files declare two structures. The first structure conforms to the View protocol and describes the view’s content and layout. The second structure declares a preview for that view.

Step 5
In the canvas, click Resume to display the preview.
If the canvas isn’t visible, select Editor > Editor and Canvas to show it.
如果画布不可见,选择 Editor > Editor and Canvas来显示它。

Step 6
Inside the body property, change “Hello World” to a greeting for yourself.
As you change the code in a view’s body property, the preview updates to reflect your changes.
在body属性中,将“Hello World”更改为自定义。

Section 2

Customize the Text View
You can customize a view’s display by changing your code, or by using the inspector to discover what’s available and to help you write code.
As you build the Landmarks app, you can use any combination of editors: the source editor, the canvas, or the inspectors. Your code stays updated, regardless of which tool you use.

Step 1
In the preview, Command-click the greeting to bring up the structured editing popover, and choose Inspect.
The popover shows different attributes that you can customize, depending on the type of view you inspect.

Step 2
Use the inspector to change the text to “Turtle Rock”, the name of the first landmark you’ll show in your app.
使用检查器将文本更改为“Turtle Rock”,即你将在应用程序中显示的第一个地标的名称。

Step 3
Change the Font modifier to Title.
This applies the system font to the text so that it responds correctly to the user’s preferred font sizes and settings.

To customize a SwiftUI view, you call methods called modifiers. Modifiers wrap a view to change its display or other properties. Each modifier returns a new view, so it’s common to chain multiple modifiers, stacked vertically.

Step 4
Edit the code by hand to add the foregroundColor(.green) modifier; this changes the text’s color to green.
Your code is always the source of truth for the view. When you use the inspector to change or remove a modifier, Xcode updates your code immediately to match.

Step 5
This time, open the inspector by Command-clicking on the Text declaration in the code editor, and then choose Inspect from the popover. Click the Color pop-up menu and choose Inherited to change the text color to black again.

Step 6
Notice that Xcode updates your code automatically to reflect the change, removing the foregroundColor(.green) modifier.

Section 3

Combine Views Using Stacks
Beyond the title view you created in the previous section, you’ll add text views to contain details about the landmark, such as the name of the park and state it’s in.
When creating a SwiftUI view, you describe its content, layout, and behavior in the view’s body property; however, the body property only returns a single view. You can combine and embed multiple views in stacks, which group views together horizontally, vertically, or back-to-front.
In this section, you’ll use a vertical stack to place the title above a horizontal stack that contains details about the park.

You can use Xcode’s structured editing support to embed a view in a container view, open an inspector, or help with other useful changes.

Step 1
Command-click the text view’s initializer to show the structured editing popover, and then choose Embed in VStack.

Next, you’ll add a text view to the stack by dragging a Text view from the library.

Step 2
Open the Library by clicking the plus button (+) at the top-right of the Xcode window, and then drag a Text view to the place in your code immediately after the “Turtle Rock” text view.
单击Xcode窗口右上角的+按钮打开库,然后在“Turtle Rock”文本视图之后立即将文本视图拖到代码中的位置。

Step 3
Replace the Text view’s placeholder text with Joshua Tree National Park.
将文本视图的占位符文本替换为Joshua Tree National Park。

Customize the location to match the desired layout.

Step 4
Set the location’s font to subheadline.

Step 5
Edit the VStack initializer to align the views by their leading edges.
By default, stacks center their contents along their axis and provide context-appropriate spacing.

Next, you’ll add another text view to the right of the location, this for the park’s state.
Step 6
In the canvas, Command-click on Joshua Tree National Park, and choose Embed in HStack.
在画布中,Command-click on Joshua Tree National Park,然后选择Embed In HStack。

Step 7
Add a new text view after the location, change the placeholder text to the park’s state, and then set its font to subheadline.

Step 8
To direct the layout to use the full width of the device, separate the park and the state by adding a Spacer to the horizontal stack holding the two text views.
A spacer expands to make its containing view use all of the space of its parent view, instead of having its size defined only by its contents.

Step 9
Finally, use the padding() modifier method to give the landmark’s name and details a little breathing room.

Section 4

Create a Custom Image View
With the name and location views all set, the next thing to do is to add an image for the landmark.
Instead of adding more code in this file, you’ll create a custom view that applies a mask, border, and drop shadow to the image.
Start by adding an image to the project’s asset catalog.

Step 1
Find turtlerock.png in the project files’ Resources folder; drag it into the asset catalog’s editor. Xcode creates a new image set for the image.

Next, you’ll create a new SwiftUI view for your custom image view.

Step 2
Choose File > New > File to open the template selector again. In the User Interface section, click to select SwiftUI View and click Next. Name the file CircleImage.swift and click Create.
选择File > New > File,再次打开模板选择器。在用户界面部分,单击以选择SwiftUI视图并单击Next。将文件命名为CircleImage.swift并单击Create。

You’re ready to insert the image and modify its display to match the desired design.

Step 3
Replace the text view with the image of Turtle Rock by using the Image(😃 initializer.
:)初始化器将文本视图替换为Turtle Rock的图像。

Step 4
Add a call to clipShape(Circle()) to apply the circular clipping shape to the image.
The Circle type is a shape that you can use as a mask, or as a view by giving the circle a stroke or fill.

Step 5
Create another circle with a gray stroke, and then add it as an overlay to give the image a border.

Step 6
Next, add a shadow with a 10 point radius.

Step 7
Switch the border color to white.
This completes the image view.

Section 5

Use UIKit and SwiftUI Views Together
Now you’re ready to create a map view. You can use the MKMapView class from MapKit to render the map.
To use UIView subclasses from within SwiftUI, you wrap the other view in a SwiftUI view that conforms to the UIViewRepresentable protocol. SwiftUI includes similar protocols for WatchKit and AppKit views.

To get started, you’ll create a new custom view that can present an MKMapView.
Step 1
Choose File > New > File, select iOS as the platform, select the SwiftUI View template, and click Next. Name the new file MapView.swift and click Create.
选择 File > New > File,选择iOS作为平台,选择SwiftUI视图模板,点击Next。将新文件命名为MapView.swift并单击Create。

Step 2
Add an import statement for MapKit, and declare UIViewRepresentable conformance for the MapView type.
Don’t worry about the error that Xcode displays; you’ll fix that in the next few steps.
添加MapKit的import语句,并声明MapView类型的UIViewRepresentable 。

The UIViewRepresentable protocol has two requirements you need to add: a makeUIView(context:) method that creates an MKMapView, and an updateUIView(:context:) method that configures the view and responds to any changes.

Step 3
Replace the body property with a makeUIView(context:) method that creates and returns an empty MKMapView.

Step 4
Create an updateUIView(:context:) method that sets the map view’s region to the correct coordinates to center the map on Turtle Rock.
:context:)方法,该方法将地图视图的区域设置为正确的坐标,以将地图置于Turtle Rock的中心。

When previews are in static mode, they only fully render SwiftUI views. Because MKMapView is a UIView subclass, you’ll need to switch to a live preview to see the map.

Step 5
Click the Live Preview button to switch the preview to live mode. You might need to click the Try Again or Resume button above your preview.
In a moment, you’ll see a map of Joshua Tree National Park, home of Turtle Rock.

Section 6

Compose the Detail View
You now have all of the components you need — the name and place, a circular image, and a map for the location.
With the tools you’ve used so far, combine your custom views to create the final design for the landmark detail view.

Step 1
In the Project navigator, select the ContentView.swift file.

Step 2
Embed a VStack that holds the three text views in another VStack.

Step 3
Add your custom MapView to the top of the stack. Set the size of the MapView with frame(width:height:).

When you specify only the height parameter, the view automatically sizes to the width of its content. In this case, MapView expands to fill the available space.

Step 4
Click the Live Preview button to see the rendered map in the composed view.
You can continue editing the view while showing a Live Preview.
单击Live Preview按钮可以在组合视图中看到呈现的地图。

Step 5
Add the CircleImage view to the stack.

Step 6
To layer the image view on top of the map view, give the image an offset of -130 points vertically, and padding of -130 points from the bottom of the view.
These adjustments make room for the text by moving the image upwards.

Step 7
Add a spacer at the bottom of the outer VStack to push the content to the top of the screen.

Step 8
Finally, to allow the map content to extend to the top edge of the screen, add the edgesIgnoringSafeArea(.top) modifier to the map view.

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