
How to write Release Note (IT product)

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软件产品开发完成后,在向市场发布的同时,release note是必不可少的发布内容。它作为当前产品版本的说明,起着至关重要的作用,也是一款正规产品密不可分的一部分。

以下是列举的是release note的组成部分:


Product name and logo, publish version and date

General information

Company introduction, product introduction and copyright statement


Major content of this release note

  • About This Release

       Product detail introduction and major functions

  • Installation

       If this is a web production, just check web site. But if this is mobile application, it is necessary for us to introduce basic installation ways for all platform users

  • New Feature

       List all of new feature on this part. Feature name and brief introduction.

  • Improvements and Behavior Changes

       For users, what’s the changes of experience?

  • Known Issues

       List major and above issues

  • Security Related Issue

       Security issue for this release

  • Additional Information and Support

      Other information you think it is necessary for users to know, you can list all your concerned item here

End Page

Product logo and name

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