
Android资源初探(二) 运行时资源的访问

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接下来以android 6.0源码分析此过程
Context不太熟悉的可以参考之前的文章[Android Context]解析,

 /** Return a Resources instance for your application's package. */
public abstract Resources getResources();

public Resources getResources() {
    return mResources;

void setResources(Resources r) {
   mResources = r;

* 从[Android Context解析]中我们知道Application级别的Context是
* ActivityThread main中设置完成的
public static void main(String[] args) {
	ActivityThread thread = new ActivityThread();

private void attach(boolean system) {
	try {
		mInstrumentation = new Instrumentation();
		//分析创建Application context----->ContextImpl.createAppContext
		ContextImpl context = ContextImpl.createAppContext(this, getSystemContext().mPackageInfo);
		// new application, attachBaseContext
		mInitialApplication = context.mPackageInfo.makeApplication(true, null);
	} catch (Exception e) {
		throw new RuntimeException(
                        "Unable to instantiate Application():" + e.toString(), e);	

static ContextImpl createAppContext(ActivityThread mainThread, LoadedApk packageInfo) {
	if (packageInfo == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("packageInfo");
	ContextImpl context = new ContextIml(null, mainThread, packageInfo, null, null, null, null);
	//!!!这里设置了Resources----> LoadedApk.getResources()

//----------LoadedApk.java (简单理解这个类用来描述已安装的apk)---
public Resources getResources() {
	if (mResources == null) {
     //注意传入mResDir   /data/app/com.....xxx/base.apk ....
      mResources = ResourcesManager.getInstance().getResources(null, mResDir,
                    splitPaths, mOverlayDirs, mApplicationInfo.sharedLibraryFiles,
                    Display.DEFAULT_DISPLAY, null, getCompatibilityInfo(),
	return mResources();

public Resources getResources(@Nullable IBinder activityToken,
            @Nullable String resDir,
            @Nullable String[] splitResDirs,
            @Nullable String[] overlayDirs,
            @Nullable String[] libDirs,
            int displayId,
            @Nullable Configuration overrideConfig,
            @NonNull CompatibilityInfo compatInfo,
            @Nullable ClassLoader classLoader) {
	//传入resDir构造一个ResoucesKey, ,
    final ResourcesKey key = new ResourcesKey(
    return getOrCreateResources(activityToken, key, classLoader);

* 通过ResourceKey看缓存map中是否有,如果没有就生成新的Resources
private Resources getOrCreateResources(IBinder activityToken, ResourcesKey key, ClassLoader classloader) {
	 ResourcesImpl resourcesImpl = findResourcesImplForKeyLocked(key);
	if (resourcesImpl != null) {
		return getOrCreateResourcesLocked(classLoader, resourcesImpl, key.mCompatInfo);
	//通过key创建一个ResourceImpl!!! 后续分析ResourcesImpl的构造
	 ResourcesImpl resourcesImpl = createResourcesImpl(key);
	synchronized (this) {
            ResourcesImpl existingResourcesImpl = findResourcesImplForKeyLocked(key);
            if (existingResourcesImpl != null) {
                resourcesImpl = existingResourcesImpl;
            } else {
                // 加到cache里面.
                mResourceImpls.put(key, new WeakReference<>(resourcesImpl));

            final Resources resources;
			//传入构造出来的resoucesImpl 生成一个Resources
           resources = getOrCreateResourcesLocked(classLoader, resourcesImpl, key.mCompatInfo);
            return resources;

private Resources getOrCreateResourcesForActivityLocked(IBinder activityToken, ClassLoader classLoader, ResourcesImpl impl, CompatibilityInfo compatInfo) {
	Resources resources = new Resources(classloader);
	return resources;



ResourcesImpl 和 AssetManager的初始化


public int getColor(@ColorRes int id) throws NotFoundException
	return getColor(id, null);

public int getColor(@ColorRes int id, @Nullable Theme theme) throws NotFountException {
	final TypedValue value = obtainTempTypedValue();
	try {

		//mResourcesImpl 通过前面分析的setImpl()设入
		final ResourcesImpl impl = mResourcesImpl;
		//最终通过ResourcesImpl getValue()
		impl.getValue(id, value, true);
	} finally {

* 通过分析Resources.java中其他方法可以看到Resources中的getXXX()
* 方法最终都是调用ResourcesImpl中相关关方法完成
void getValue(int id, TypedValue outValue, boolean resolveRefs) {
	//调用AssetManager getResourceValue
	boolean found = mAssets.getResourceValue(id, 0, outValue, resolveRefs);
	if (found) {
	throw new NotFoundException("Resource ID #0x" + Integer.toHexString(id));

* 分析源码可以看出ResourcesImpl的相关调用最终调用的是其成员变
* mAsset的相关方法,mAssets是在ResourcesImpl构造时传入
public ResourcesImpl(AssetManager assets, ...) {
	mAssets = assets;

* 回到前面ResourcesManager中ApplicationContext对
* ResourcesImpl的构造

private ResourcesImpl createResourcesImpl(ResourcesKye key) {
	final AssetManager assets = createAssetManager(key);
	//将assetManager用于 构造 resourceImpl
	final ResourceImpl impl = new ResourcesImpl(assets, dm, config, daj);
	return impl;

protected AssetManager createAssetManager(final ResourcesKey key) {
	AssetManager assets = new AssetManager();
	if(key.mResDir != null) {
		if (assets.addAssetPath(key.mResdir) == 0) {
			return null;

* 接下来看AssetManager的初始化与对应addAssetPath
public AssetManager() {
	synchronized (this) {
		// isSystem = false -> native init

//native init
private native final void init(boolean isSystem);

* 此方法主要是为了给当前AssetManager赋值一个可以访问system资源能力的
* AssetManager
private static void ensureSystemAssets() {
    synchronized (sSync) {
      if (sSystem == null) {
         AssetManager system = new AssetManager(true);
         sSystem = system;

public final int addAssetPath(String path) {
	return addAssetPathINternal(path, false);

public final int addAssetPathInternal(String path, booean appAsLib) {
	synchronized(this) {
		int res = addAssetPathNative(path, appAsLib);
		return res;

private native final int addAssetPathNative(String path, boolean appAsLib);


    * AssetManager.java init()对应Native方法
    static void android_content_AssetManager_init(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz, jboolean isSystem) {
	if (isSystem) {	
	AssetManager* am = new AssetManager();
	env->SetLongFiled(clazz, gAssetManagerOffsets.mObject, reinterpret_cast<jlong>(am));

//Java层AssetManager addAssetPathNative对应Native实现
static jint android_content_AssetManager_addAssetPath(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz, jstring) {
	ScopedUtfChars path8(env, path);
	//通过当前Java层的AssetManager对象中的mObject得到native assetManager
	AssetManager* am = assetManagerForJavaObject(env, clazz);
	bool res = am->addAssetPath(String8(path8.c_str()), &cookie);
	//添加成功,返回 !=0
	return (res) ? static_cast<jint>(cookie) : 0

* Java层AssetManager 的init和addAssetPath均是通过Native层
* AssetManager来实现,接下来分析AssetManager.cpp的相关实现
AssetManager::AssetManager(CacheMode cacheMode)
    : mLocale(NULL), mVendor(NULL),
      mResources(NULL), mConfig(new ResTable_config),
      mCacheMode(cacheMode), mCacheValid(false)
    memset(mConfig, 0, sizeof(ResTable_config));

//前面native init时调用此方法,添加系统资源路径
bool AssetManager::addDefaultAssets()
    //得到系统资源路径 /system/framework/framework-res.apk
    const char* root = getenv("ANDROID_ROOT");
    LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(root == NULL, "ANDROID_ROOT not set");

    String8 path(root);
    return addAssetPath(path, NULL);

bool AssetManager::addAssetPath(const String8& path, int32_t* cookie)
    AutoMutex _l(mLock);

    asset_path ap;
    String8 realPath(path);
    Asset* manifestAsset = const_cast<AssetManager*>(this)->openNonAssetInPathLocked(
            kAndroidManifest, Asset::ACCESS_BUFFER, ap);
    if (manifestAsset == NULL) {
        // This asset path does not contain any resources.
        delete manifestAsset;
        return false;
    delete manifestAsset;

    //见AssetManager.h  Vector<asset_path> mAssetPaths;用于保存add进来的asset_path

    //见AssetManager.h mutable ResTable* mResources
    if (mResources != NULL) {
    return true;

bool AssetManager::appendPathToResTable(const asset_path& ap) const {
    Asset* ass = NULL;
    ResTable* sharedRes = NULL;
    bool shared = true;
    bool onlyEmptyResources = true;

    if (ap.type != kFileTypeDirectory) {
        if (sharedRes == NULL) {
            ass = const_cast<AssetManager*>(this)->
            if (ass == NULL) {
                ass = const_cast<AssetManager*>(this)->
                if (ass != NULL && ass != kExcludedAsset) {
                    ass = const_cast<AssetManager*>(this)->
mZipSet.setZipResourceTableAsset(ap.path, ass);
            if (nextEntryIdx == 0 && ass != NULL) {
                sharedRes = new ResTable();
                sharedRes->add(ass, idmap, nextEntryIdx + 1, false);
                sharedRes = const_cast<AssetManager*>(this)->
                    mZipSet.setZipResourceTable(ap.path, sharedRes);
    } else {
        ass = const_cast<AssetManager*>(this)->
        shared = false;

    //最终ResTable add(Asset)
    if ((ass != NULL || sharedRes != NULL) && ass != kExcludedAsset) {
        if (sharedRes != NULL) {
        } else {
            mResources->add(ass, idmap, nextEntryIdx + 1, !shared);
        onlyEmptyResources = false;
        if (!shared) {
            delete ass;
    } else {
        mResources->addEmpty(nextEntryIdx + 1);
    return onlyEmptyResources;

* 我们先来看如何通过path中的resources.arsc构造出对应Asset对象
* 再来看如何将解析得到的asset对象add到ResTable对象中
Asset* AssetManager::openNonAssetInPathLocked(const char* fileName, AccessMode mode,
    const asset_path& ap)
    Asset* pAsset = NULL;

    /* look at the filesystem on disk */
    if (ap.type == kFileTypeDirectory) {
        String8 path(ap.path);
        //open File
        pAsset = openAssetFromFileLocked(path, mode);
        if (pAsset == NULL) {
            /* try again, this time with ".gz" */
            pAsset = openAssetFromFileLocked(path, mode);
		//asset source赋值
        if (pAsset != NULL) {
            //printf("FOUND NA '%s' on disk\n", fileName);

      } else {
        String8 path(fileName);
        //open zip: 对应base.apk这种情况
        /* check the appropriate Zip file */
        ZipFileRO* pZip = getZipFileLocked(ap);
        if (pZip != NULL) {
            ZipEntryRO entry = pZip->findEntryByName(path.string());
            if (entry != NULL) {
                pAsset = openAssetFromZipLocked(pZip, entry, mode, path);
        if (pAsset != NULL) {
            /* create a "source" name, for debug/display */
createZipSourceNameLocked(ZipSet::getPathName(ap.path.string()), String8(""),

    return pAsset;
Asset* AssetManager::openAssetFromZipLocked(const ZipFileRO* pZipFile,
    const ZipEntryRO entry, AccessMode mode, const String8& entryName)
    Asset* pAsset = NULL;
   	pAsset = Asset::createFromCompressedMap(dataMap,
            static_cast<size_t>(uncompressedLen), mode);
    return pAsset;

//-------------------Asset.cpp, Asset.h------------------
void setAssetSource(const String8& path) { mAssetSource = path; }

 * Create a new Asset from compressed data in a memory mapping.
Asset* Asset::createFromCompressedMap(FileMap* dataMap,
    size_t uncompressedLen, AccessMode mode)
    _CompressedAsset* pAsset;
    status_t result;

    pAsset = new _CompressedAsset;
	//读取resources.arsc data
    result = pAsset->openChunk(dataMap, uncompressedLen);
    pAsset->mAccessMode = mode;
    return pAsset;

status_t _FileAsset::openChunk(const char* fileName, int fd, off64_t offset, size_t length)

    /* after fdopen, the fd will be closed on fclose() */
    mFp = fdopen(fd, "rb");
    if (mFp == NULL)
        return UNKNOWN_ERROR;

    mStart = offset;
    mLength = length;
    assert(mOffset == 0);
	// fseek
    /* seek the FILE* to the start of chunk */
    if (fseek(mFp, mStart, SEEK_SET) != 0) {

    mFileName = fileName != NULL ? strdup(fileName) : NULL;

    return NO_ERROR;

* 以上得到一个打开了path 下 resources.arsc文件的Asset对象, 然后将
* 其add到ResTable结构中去

status_t ResTable::add(Asset* asset, const int32_t cookie, bool copyData) {
	//Asset getBuffer
    const void* data = asset->getBuffer(true);
    if (data == NULL) {
        ALOGW("Unable to get buffer of resource asset file");
        return UNKNOWN_ERROR;

    return addInternal(data, static_cast<size_t>(asset->getLength()), NULL, 0, cookie, copyData);

//解析具体resources.arsc中的data,构造Header, ResChunk_header
status_t ResTable::addInternal(const void* data, size_t dataSize, const void* idmapData, size_t idmapDataSize,
        const int32_t cookie, bool copyData)
    Header* header = new Header(this);
    header->index = mHeaders.size();
    header->cookie = cookie;

    const bool notDeviceEndian = htods(0xf0) != 0xf0;

    if (copyData || notDeviceEndian) {
        header->ownedData = malloc(dataSize);
        if (header->ownedData == NULL) {
            return (mError=NO_MEMORY);
        memcpy(header->ownedData, data, dataSize);
        data = header->ownedData;

    header->header = (const ResTable_header*)data;
    header->size = dtohl(header->header->header.size);
    header->dataEnd = ((const uint8_t*)header->header) + header->size;

    // Iterate through all chunks.
    size_t curPackage = 0;

    const ResChunk_header* chunk =
        (const ResChunk_header*)(((const uint8_t*)header->header)
                                 + dtohs(header->header->header.headerSize));
    while (((const uint8_t*)chunk) <= (header->dataEnd-sizeof(ResChunk_header)) &&
           ((const uint8_t*)chunk) <= (header->dataEnd-dtohl(chunk->size))) {
        status_t err = validate_chunk(chunk, sizeof(ResChunk_header), header->dataEnd, "ResTable");
        if (err != NO_ERROR) {
            return (mError=err);
        const size_t csize = dtohl(chunk->size);
        const uint16_t ctype = dtohs(chunk->type);
        if (ctype == RES_STRING_POOL_TYPE) {
            if (header->values.getError() != NO_ERROR) {
        } else if (ctype == RES_TABLE_PACKAGE_TYPE) {
            if (curPackage >= dtohl(header->header->packageCount)) {
            if (parsePackage((ResTable_package*)chunk, header) != NO_ERROR) {
                return mError;
        } else {
        chunk = (const ResChunk_header*)
            (((const uint8_t*)chunk) + csize);

    if (curPackage < dtohl(header->header->packageCount)) {
    return mError;

综上,可以看到ResourcesImpl最终访问资源均是通过其成员变量mAsset来实现的,而mAsset对资源的访问均是通过其成员变量mObject所对应的Native AssetManager对象,每当调用其addAssetPath(String path)就会解析其path下的resources.arsc文件得到一个Asset对象,然后将其add进当前应用对应的ResTable对象中(进一步解析得到ResChunkHeader等的过程)。示意图如下:



* 由之前的《Android资源初探(一)资源打包》可以知道打包过程中生成
*  R.java中保存着不同Type的资源对应的id,格式为0xPPTTEEEE
public final class R {
    public static final class color {
        public static final int text_color=0x7f030000;

* 由之前ResourcesImpl.java的分析,getColor最终调
* mAssets.getResourceValue()
synchronized (this) {
            //native 方法, return true,更改传入的outValue值
            final int block = loadResourceValue(resId, (short) densityDpi, outValue, resolveRefs);
            if (block < 0) {
                return false;
            //TODO: 注意TypedValue类,自带方法对取得的值进行了转化            if (outValue.type == TypedValue.TYPE_STRING) {
                outValue.string = mStringBlocks[block].get(outValue.data);
            return true;

private native final int loadResourceValue(int ident, short density, TypedValue outValue,
            boolean resolve);

//java loadResouceValue
static jint android_content_AssetManager_loadResourceValue(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz,
                                                           jint ident,
                                                           jshort density,
                                                           jobject outValue,
                                                           jboolean resolve)
    //通过当前Java层AssetManager对象 mObject拿到对应Native AssetManager
    AssetManager* am = assetManagerForJavaObject(env, clazz);
    const ResTable& res(am->getResources());
    Res_value value;
    ResTable_config config;
    uint32_t typeSpecFlags;
    ssize_t block = res.getResource(ident, &value, false, density, &typeSpecFlags, &config);
    uint32_t ref = ident;
    if (resolve) {
        block = res.resolveReference(&value, block, &ref, &typeSpecFlags, &config);

    if (block >= 0) {
        return copyValue(env, outValue, &res, value, ref, block, typeSpecFlags, &config);
    return static_cast<jint>(block);

* 还记得之前Native AssetManager初始化时通过解析Resources.arsc生
* 的ResTable对象嘛,它持有解析resources.arsc后的ResChunk_header
* 等数据
//查找资源, 先通过PackageId,找到对应PackageGroup,然后通
// typeId,找到type数组,然后在其中找entry
ssize_t ResTable::getResource(uint32_t resID, Res_value* outValue, bool mayBeBag, uint16_t density,
        uint32_t* outSpecFlags, ResTable_config* outConfig) const
    //packageId: 0x7f, typeId 03, entryId:0000
    const ssize_t p = getResourcePackageIndex(resID);
    const int t = Res_GETTYPE(resID);
    const int e = Res_GETENTRY(resID);

    //通过packageId对应的PackageGroup ==> 注意mPackageGroup的构造
    const PackageGroup* const grp = mPackageGroups[p];
	Entry entry;
    status_t err = getEntry(grp, t, e, &desiredConfig, &entry);
    if ((dtohs(entry.entry->flags) & ResTable_entry::FLAG_COMPLEX) != 0) {
        if (!mayBeBag) {
            ALOGW("Requesting resource 0x%08x failed because it is complex\n", resID);
        return BAD_VALUE;

    const Res_value* value = reinterpret_cast<const Res_value*>(
            reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(entry.entry) + entry.entry->size);

    outValue->size = dtohs(value->size);
    outValue->res0 = value->res0;
    outValue->dataType = value->dataType;
    outValue->data = dtohl(value->data);

    if (grp->dynamicRefTable.lookupResourceValue(outValue) != NO_ERROR) {
        return BAD_VALUE;
    if (outSpecFlags != NULL) {
        *outSpecFlags = entry.specFlags;

    if (outConfig != NULL) {
        *outConfig = entry.config;

    //package header index
    return entry.package->header->index;

综上,整个访问机制,就是通过0xPPTTEEEE的id去Native层通过其PackageId, TypeId, EntryId最终得到值得过程。




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