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没有安装mysql的,大家可参考【 Centos7安装Mysql5.7(超详细版)】、【【云原生】Docker之创建并进入mysql容器】 两种方式任选其一来安装;


  • DDL 数据定义语言 create drop alter
  • DML 数据操纵语言 update delete insert
  • DQL 数据查询语言 select
  • DCL 数据控制语言 grant revoke


  • desc 降序
  • asc 升序
  • limit 1 取第一行

mysql order by排序默认为升序(从小到大)

select * from 表名 order by id;(根据id排序)

select * from 表名 limit 偏移量,行数;
select * from student order by score;

select * from student order by id asc;

select * from student order by score desc;

select * from student limit 2,5;


select * from 表名 group by 字段;
select * from student group by score;

如遇到以下报错,可了解 https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_44013783/article/details/119422353https://blog.csdn.net/W_317/article/details/116723943


select distinct 字段 from 表名;
select distinct score from student;
select distinct score as '分数' from student;


  • max()  最大值
select max(字段) from 表名;
select name as '姓名',max(score) as '分数' from student;

| 姓名 | 分数 |
| 老六 | 125 |
  • min()  最小值
select min(字段) from 表名;
select name as '姓名',sex as '性别',age as '年龄',min(score) as '分数' from student;

| 姓名 | 性别 | 年龄 | 分数 |
| 王五 || 15 |  100 |
  • sum()  和
select sum(字段) from 表名;
select sum(score) as '班级总分' from student;

| 班级总分 |
|  1546   |
  • count()  统计
select count(字段) from 表名;
select count(*) as '班级总人数' from student;

| 班级总人数 |
|    13    |
  • avg()  平均数
select avg(字段) from 表名;
select avg(score) as '班级平均分' from student;

| 班级平均分 |
| 118.9231 |


select count(*) as '班级总人数',sum(score) as '班级总分',avg(score) as '班级平均分' from student;

| 班级总人数 | 班级总分 | 班级平均分 |
|    13    |   1546  | 118.9231 |
  • with rollup  对聚合结果进行汇总

使用 with rollup,此函数是对聚合函数进行求和,注意 with rollup是对 group by 后的第一个字段,进行分组求和。

select count(*),sum(score),avg(score) from student group by score with rollup;
select count(*) as '各组人数',sum(score) as '各组总分',avg(score) as '各组平均分' from student group by score with rollup;

| 各组人数 | 各组总分 | 各组平均分 |
|       2 |     246 | 123.0000 |
|       3 |     360 | 120.0000 |
|       2 |     242 | 121.0000 |
|       2 |     200 | 100.0000 |
|       2 |     248 | 124.0000 |
|       2 |     250 | 125.0000 |
|      13 |    1546 | 118.9231 |

  • having    对于聚合后的结果进行过滤,如果逻辑允许,多用where
select * from student having score<120;

  • where   用于聚合前,having用于聚合后。
select * from student where sex='女';


  • 等于: =
select * from student where sex='男';

  • 大于: >
select * from student where age>15;

  • 大于等于: >=
select * from student where age>=15;

  • 小于: <
select * from student where score<122;

  • 小于等于: <=
select * from student where score<=122;

  • 不等于: != 或 <>
select * from student where sex!='男';

select * from student where sex<>'女';


  • and 和,要同时符合这两个条件或多个条件;
select * from student where score>122 and sex='男';

  • or 或,满足其中一个条件即可,两者都有则都输出;
select * from student where age>18 or age<20;

  • not 不,不要指定条件的数据;
select * from student where not (score>=120 and score<=123);




insert into student values (null,'张九','男',15,7.12,'北京市朝阳区某小区1号楼1单元103','zhangjiu@163.com',16839217282,122);
insert into student values (null,'张时嘉','女',17,12.12,'北京市朝阳区某小区1号楼1单元102','zhangsj@163.com',13307189235,124.5),(null,'张时依','女',17,12.12,'北京市朝阳区某小区1号楼1单元102','zhangsy@163.com',13307189236,125);
  • like是模糊查询关键字

  • %表示任意多个任意字符

  • _表示一个任意字符


select name from student where name like "张%";


select * from student where name like "张_";


select * from student where name like "___";


select * from student where iphone like "16%";


select * from student where name like "老%" or name like "%时%";


  • between … and … 表示在一个连续的范围内查询
  • in 表示在一个非连续的范围内查询


select * from student where birthday between "6.01"and"9.31";


select * from student where (address between "北京市朝阳区某小区1号楼1单元103"and"北京市朝阳区某小区1号楼1单元109") and sex='男';


select * from student where id in(1,22);

IN 列表项不仅支持数字,也支持字符甚至时间日期类型等,并且可以将这些不同类型的数据项混合排列而无须跟 column 的类型保持一致:
一个 IN 只能对一个字段进行范围比对,如果要指定更多字段,可以使用 AND 或 OR 逻辑运算符:
使用 AND 或 OR 逻辑运算符后,IN 还可以和其他如 LIKE、>=、= 等运算符一起使用。


  • 判断为空使用: is null
  • 判断非空使用: is not null
select * from student where email is null;
select * from student where email is not null;

不能使用 where height = null 判断为空
不能使用 where height != null 判断非空
null 不等于 空字符串



create table body (id int(3) ZEROFILL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT comment'id',name varchar(255) not null comment'姓名',height varchar(255) comment'身高',weight varchar(255) not null comment'体重',heartbeat int comment'心跳/每分钟')comment='学生身体表';


insert into body values (null,'张三','177.2','140.4',99),(null,'李四','180','149.2',80),(null,'王五','167.9','141',80),(null,'老六','173','128',77),(null,'小七','159.5','90.8',89),(null,'老八','169.9','145.2',78),(null,'张九','169','120.5',82),(null,'张时嘉','168','83',79),(null,'张时依','168.3','83.4',82);


两表联查必须加上where 表1 id=表2 id,否则查询出来会有很多重复的数据,你写了几个字段,就会查询到多少字段的重复数据;

内连接格式:A inner join B on 条件

select * from A inner join B on 条件;
select * from A inner join B on 条件 where 条件;
select * from A inner join B on 条件 where 条件 having 条件;
select * from A inner join B on 条件 order by 字段;
select * from A inner join B on 条件 where 条件 order by 字段;
select * from A inner join B on 条件 where 条件 having 条件 order by 字段;


select student.name as '姓名',student.sex as '性别',student.age as '年龄',body.height as '身高',body.weight as '体重',body.heartbeat as '心跳/每分钟' from student,body where student.id=body.id;

select a.name as '姓名',a.sex as '性别',a.age as '年龄',b.height as '身高',b.weight as '体重',b.heartbeat as '心跳/每分钟' from student a,body b where a.id=b.id;


select a.name as '姓名',a.sex as '性别',a.age as '年龄',b.height as '身高',b.weight as '体重',b.heartbeat as '心跳/每分钟',a.score as '分数' from student a,body b where a.id=b.id having score>=122;


select a.name as '姓名',a.sex as '性别',a.age as '年龄',b.height as '身高',b.weight as '体重',b.heartbeat as '心跳/每分钟',a.score as '分数' from student a inner join body b on a.id=b.id where score>=122 having sex='女';


select a.name as '姓名',a.sex as '性别',a.age as '年龄',b.height as '身高',b.weight as '体重',b.heartbeat as '心跳/每分钟',a.score as '分数' from student a inner join body b on a.id=b.id where score>=122 having sex='女' order by score desc;


两表联查必须加上where 表1 id=表2 id,否则查询出来会有很多重复的数据,你写了几个字段,就会查询到多少字段的重复数据;

内连接格式:A left join B on 条件

select * from A left join B on 条件;
select * from A left join B on 条件 where 条件;
select * from A left join B on 条件 where 条件 having 条件;
select * from A left join B on 条件 order by 字段;
select * from A left join B on 条件 where 条件 order by 字段;
select * from A left join B on 条件 where 条件 having 条件 order by 字段;


select a.name as '姓名',a.sex as '性别',a.age as '年龄',b.height as '身高' from student a left join body b on a.id=b.id;


select a.name as '姓名',a.sex as '性别',a.age as '年龄',b.height as '身高',b.weight as '体重',b.heartbeat as '心跳/每分钟',a.score as '分数' from student a left join body b on a.id=b.id where score>=122;


select a.name as '姓名',a.sex as '性别',a.age as '年龄',b.height as '身高',b.weight as '体重',b.heartbeat as '心跳/每分钟',a.score as '分数' from student a left join body b on a.id=b.id where score>=122 having sex='女';


select a.name as '姓名',a.sex as '性别',a.age as '年龄',b.height as '身高',b.weight as '体重',b.heartbeat as '心跳/每分钟',a.score as '分数' from student a left join body b on a.id=b.id where score>=122 having sex='女' order by score desc;


两表联查必须加上where 表1 id=表2 id,否则查询出来会有很多重复的数据,你写了几个字段,就会查询到多少字段的重复数据;

内连接格式:A right join B on 条件

select * from A right join B on 条件;
select * from A right join B on 条件 where 条件;
select * from A right join B on 条件 where 条件 having 条件;
select * from A right join B on 条件 order by 字段;
select * from A right join B on 条件 where 条件 order by 字段;
select * from A right join B on 条件 where 条件 having 条件 order by 字段;


select a.name as '姓名',a.sex as '性别',a.age as '年龄',b.height as '身高' from student a right join body b on a.id=b.id;


select a.name as '姓名',a.sex as '性别',a.age as '年龄',b.height as '身高',b.weight as '体重',b.heartbeat as '心跳/每分钟',a.score as '分数' from student a right join body b on a.id=b.id where score>=122;


select a.name as '姓名',a.sex as '性别',a.age as '年龄',b.height as '身高',b.weight as '体重',b.heartbeat as '心跳/每分钟',a.score as '分数' from student a right join body b on a.id=b.id where score>=122 having sex='女';


select a.name as '姓名',a.sex as '性别',a.age as '年龄',b.height as '身高',b.weight as '体重',b.heartbeat as '心跳/每分钟',a.score as '分数' from student a right join body b on a.id=b.id where score>=122 having sex='女' order by score desc;

全连接: union或union all

2.全连接内使用order by 没有效果,可以对连接后的结果进行排序;

select * from 表1 union all select * from 表2;
select * from student1 union all select * from student2;

* 以上用户言论只代表其个人观点,不代表本网站的观点或立场