
【轻量级开源ROS 的机器人设备(5)】--(2)拟议的框架——µROS节点

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【轻量级开源ROS 的机器人设备(5)】--(1)拟议的框架——µROS节点


        为了方便用户应用程序的开发,一个代码生成器,一个 堆栈使用分析器和演示项目包含在框架中包裹。

4.1 代码生成器

        手工编写编组过程和主题/服务处理例程可以 需要很多时间,而且这是一个容易出错的任务。编组的产生 过程可以通过处理传递的消息描述符来自动化 与 ROS 包。此外,处理程序例程共享一个通用框架, 可以被利用和重用。既然如此,生成工具,urogen (作为 Python 2.7 脚本 urosgen.py 实现)被开发出来。

4.2 编译流程

        图 5.3 中描述的编译流程非常简单。该工具通过一个文件(清单 B.11 中的完整示例)进行配置,其中列出了主题/服务名称和类型,以及一些选项。一旦涉及的消息类型名称已知,该工具就会从已安装 ROS 包的相关 .msg 和 .srv 文件中加载它们的描述。最后,处理消息类型,从而产生编组和解组函数。为配置文件中列出的那些名称生成主题和服务处理程序存根。该工具还为 Doxygen 生成详细的自我文档(未在列表示例和大多数评论中报告)。

4.3 名称修改

        所有 ROS 名称都具有类似路径的结构,以 /(斜杠)作为分隔符。 C标识符不能包含它,因此通过将 / 替换为来破坏 ROS 名称__(双下划线)。主题和服务错位名称总是以 __ 开头,因为它们有一个隐含/开头。

4.4 消息

        通过调用 rosmsg show 从它的 .msg 文件加载消息类型,它删除注释并具有简洁的语法。其固有结构映射到 C 结构,其中损坏的名称以 msg__ (msg_name) 为前缀。原始类型被直接映射,而嵌套消息类型被声明分别地。为了符合C语言,结构体定义在拓扑顺序;这是可以做到的,因为 ROS 类型不能有循环依赖项。

  1. struct msg__rosgraph_msgs__Log {
  2. 2 struct msg__std_msgs__Header header;
  3. 3 uint8_t level;
  4. 4 UrosString name;
  5. 5 UrosString msg;
  6. 6 UrosString file;
  7. 7 UrosString function;
  8. 8 uint32_t line;
  9. 9 UROS_VARARR(UrosString) topics;
  10. 10 };
  11. 11
  12. 12 #define msg__rosgraph_msgs__Log__DEBUG ((uint8_t)1)
  13. 13 #define msg__rosgraph_msgs__Log__INFO ((uint8_t)2)
  14. 14 #define msg__rosgraph_msgs__Log__WARN ((uint8_t)4)
  15. 15 #define msg__rosgraph_msgs__Log__ERROR ((uint8_t)8)
  16. 16 #define msg__rosgraph_msgs__Log__FATAL ((uint8_t)16)

Listing 5.1: Definition of the rosgraph_msgs/Log descriptor and its constant values

  1. size_t length_msg__rosgraph_msgs__Log(
  2. 2 struct msg__rosgraph_msgs__Log *objp
  3. 3 ) {
  4. 4 size_t length = 0;
  5. 5 uint32_t i;
  6. 6
  7. 7 urosAssert(objp != NULL);
  8. 8
  9. 9 length += length_msg__std_msgs__Header(&objp->header);
  10. 10 length += sizeof( uint8_t);
  11. 11 length += sizeof( uint32_t) + objp->name.length;
  12. 12 length += sizeof( uint32_t) + objp->msg.length;
  13. 13 length += sizeof( uint32_t) + objp->file.length;
  14. 14 length += sizeof( uint32_t) + objp->function.length;
  15. 15 length += sizeof( uint32_t);
  16. 16 length += sizeof( uint32_t);
  17. 17 length += ( size_t)objp->topics.length * sizeof( uint32_t);
  18. 18 for (i = 0; i < objp->topics.length; ++i) {
  19. 19 length += objp->topics.entriesp[i].length;
  20. 20 }
  21. 21
  22. 22 return length;
  23. 23 }

Listing 5.2: Stream length computation of a rosgraph_msgs/Log message

消息类型示例 rosgraph_msgs/Log 在清单 5.1 中。
初始化函数(init_+msg_name,清单 5.3)设置初步的安全值。清理函数(clean_+msg_name,清单 5.4)
长度计算函数(length_+msg_name,清单 5.2)计算
编组函数(send_+msg_name,清单 5.6)序列化消息内容并通过输出 TCPROS 流发送它们。反而,
解组函数(recv_+msg_name,清单 5.5)反序列化
从传入的 TCPROS 流中接收到消息

  1. void init_msg__rosgraph_msgs__Log(
  2. 2 struct msg__rosgraph_msgs__Log *objp
  3. 3 ) {
  4. 4 uint32_t i;
  5. 5
  6. 6 urosAssert(objp != NULL);
  7. 7
  8. 8 init_msg__std_msgs__Header(&objp->header);
  9. 9 urosStringObjectInit(&objp->name);
  10. 10 urosStringObjectInit(&objp->msg);
  11. 11 urosStringObjectInit(&objp->file);
  12. 12 urosStringObjectInit(&objp->function);
  13. 13 urosTcpRosArrayObjectInit((UrosTcpRosArray *)&objp->topics);
  14. 14 for (i = 0; i < objp->topics.length; ++i) {
  15. 15 urosStringObjectInit(&objp->topics.entriesp[i]);
  16. 16 }
  17. 17 }

Listing 5.3: Initialization of a rosgraph_msgs/Log descriptor

  1. 1 void clean_msg__rosgraph_msgs__Log(
  2. 2 struct msg__rosgraph_msgs__Log *objp
  3. 3 ) {
  4. 4 uint32_t i;
  5. 5
  6. 6 if (objp == NULL) { return; }
  7. 7
  8. 8 clean_msg__std_msgs__Header(&objp->header);
  9. 9 urosStringClean(&objp->name);
  10. 10 urosStringClean(&objp->msg);
  11. 11 urosStringClean(&objp->file);
  12. 12 urosStringClean(&objp->function);
  13. 13 for (i = 0; i < objp->topics.length; ++i) {
  14. 14 urosStringClean(&objp->topics.entriesp[i]);
  15. 15 }
  16. 16 urosTcpRosArrayClean((UrosTcpRosArray *)&objp->topics);
  17. 17 }
  18. Listing 5.4: Cleaning function of a rosgraph_msgs/Log descriptor

  1. 1 uros_err_t recv_msg__rosgraph_msgs__Log(
  2. 2 UrosTcpRosStatus *tcpstp,
  3. 3 struct msg__rosgraph_msgs__Log *objp
  4. 4 ) {
  5. 5 uint32_t i;
  6. 6
  7. 7 urosAssert(tcpstp != NULL);
  8. 8 urosAssert( urosConnIsValid(tcpstp ->csp));
  9. 9 urosAssert(objp != NULL);
  10. 10 #define _CHKOK { if (tcpstp ->err != UROS_OK) { goto _error; } }
  11. 11
  12. 12 recv_msg__std_msgs__Header(tcpstp, &objp ->header); _CHKOK
  13. 13 urosTcpRosRecvRaw(tcpstp, objp ->level); _CHKOK
  14. 14 urosTcpRosRecvString(tcpstp, &objp ->name); _CHKOK
  15. 15 urosTcpRosRecvString(tcpstp, &objp ->msg); _CHKOK
  16. 16 urosTcpRosRecvString(tcpstp, &objp ->file); _CHKOK
  17. 17 urosTcpRosRecvString(tcpstp, &objp ->function); _CHKOK
  18. 18 urosTcpRosRecvRaw(tcpstp, objp ->line); _CHKOK
  19. 19 urosTcpRosArrayObjectInit((UrosTcpRosArray *)&objp ->topics);
  20. 20 urosTcpRosRecvRaw(tcpstp, objp ->topics.length); _CHKOK
  21. 21 objp ->topics.entriesp = urosArrayNew(objp ->topics.length,
  22. 22 UrosString);
  23. 23 if (objp ->topics.entriesp == NULL) { tcpstp ->err = UROS_ERR_NOMEM; goto _error; }
  24. 24 for (i = 0; i < objp ->topics.length; ++i) {
  25. 25 urosTcpRosRecvString(tcpstp, &objp ->topics.entriesp[i]); _CHKOK
  26. 26 }
  27. 27
  28. 28 return tcpstp ->err = UROS_OK;
  29. 29 _error:
  30. 30 clean_msg__rosgraph_msgs__Log(objp);
  31. 31 return tcpstp ->err;
  32. 32 #undef _CHKOK
  33. 33 }
  34. Listing 5.5: Reception and unmarshaling of a rosgraph_msgs/Log message

  1. 1 uros_err_t send_msg__rosgraph_msgs__Log(
  2. 2 UrosTcpRosStatus *tcpstp,
  3. 3 struct msg__rosgraph_msgs__Log *objp
  4. 4 ) {
  5. 5 uint32_t i;
  6. 6
  7. 7 urosAssert(tcpstp != NULL);
  8. 8 urosAssert( urosConnIsValid(tcpstp ->csp));
  9. 9 urosAssert(objp != NULL);
  10. 10 #define _CHKOK { if (tcpstp ->err != UROS_OK) { return tcpstp ->err; } }
  11. 11
  12. 12 send_msg__std_msgs__Header(tcpstp, &objp ->header); _CHKOK
  13. 13 urosTcpRosSendRaw(tcpstp, objp ->level); _CHKOK
  14. 14 urosTcpRosSendString(tcpstp, &objp ->name); _CHKOK
  15. 15 urosTcpRosSendString(tcpstp, &objp ->msg); _CHKOK
  16. 16 urosTcpRosSendString(tcpstp, &objp ->file); _CHKOK
  17. 17 urosTcpRosSendString(tcpstp, &objp ->function); _CHKOK
  18. 18 urosTcpRosSendRaw(tcpstp, objp ->line); _CHKOK
  19. 19 urosTcpRosSendRaw(tcpstp, objp ->topics.length); _CHKOK
  20. 20 for (i = 0; i < objp ->topics.length; ++i) {
  21. 21 urosTcpRosSendString(tcpstp, &objp ->topics.entriesp[i]); _CHKOK
  22. 22 }
  23. 23
  24. 24 return tcpstp ->err = UROS_OK;
  25. 25 #undef _CHKOK
  26. 26 }
  27. Listing 5.6: Marshaling and transmission of a rosgraph_msgs/Log message

4.5 服务讯息

        服务消息是一对普通的输入/输出消息,因此被拆分为输入结构(in_srv__ + 损坏的名称,in_name)和输出结构(out_srv__ + mangled name, out_name),如清单 5.7 所示。他们是
通过调用 rossrv show 从相关的 .srv 文件加载,类似于普通消息。
每个子消息都有专门的初始化(清单 5.9)、清理(清单 5.10)和长度计算(清单 5.8)函数,以及上面看到的赋值和前缀。
        只有输入消息有解组函数(recv_+in_name,清单 5.11),而只有输出消息具有编组功能(send_+out_name,清单 5.12)。

4.6 类型注册

        urosMsgTypesRegStaticTypes() 过程将所有消息类型注册到它们各自的静态寄存器(参见第 5.2.1 节),如清单 5.13 所示。

4.7 处理例程


4.8 主题发布者

        主题发布者例程,pub_tpc + mangled name,生成并向订阅者发送纯消息,直到断开连接。生成的模板可以在清单 5.14 中看到,其中消息描述符被分配到堆中。用户只需要移除假人循环语句,并填写 msgp 描述符字段。

4.9 主题订阅者

另一方面,主题订阅者例程 sub_tpc+ 损坏的名称,不断接收和处理消息,直到断开连接。

  1. 1 struct in_srv__turtlesim__Spawn {
  2. 2 float x;
  3. 3 float y;
  4. 4 float theta;
  5. 5 UrosString name;
  6. 6 };
  7. 7
  8. 8 struct out_srv__turtlesim__Spawn {
  9. 9 UrosString name;
  10. 10 };

Listing 5.7: Definition of the turtlesim/Spawn descriptors

  1. 1 size_t length_in_srv__turtlesim__Spawn(
  2. 2 struct in_srv__turtlesim__Spawn *objp
  3. 3 ) {
  4. 4 size_t length = 0;
  5. 5
  6. 6 urosAssert(objp != NULL);
  7. 7
  8. 8 length += sizeof( float);
  9. 9 length += sizeof( float);
  10. 10 length += sizeof( float);
  11. 11 length += sizeof( uint32_t) + objp->name.length;
  12. 12
  13. 13 return length;
  14. 14 }
  15. 15
  16. 16 size_t length_out_srv__turtlesim__Spawn(
  17. 17 struct out_srv__turtlesim__Spawn *objp
  18. 18 ) {
  19. 19 size_t length = 0;
  20. 20
  21. 21 urosAssert(objp != NULL);
  22. 22
  23. 23 length += sizeof( uint32_t) + objp->name.length;
  24. 24
  25. 25 return length;
  26. 26 }

Listing 5.8: Stream length computation of turtlesim/Spawn messages

如清单 5.15 所示,用户只需要处理收到的消息,msgp。
Service publishers 服务发布者,pub_srv + mangled name,接收请求消息(in_name),处理,然后发送响应如果成功则为消息 (out_name),如果不成功则为错误字符串。如果尝试仍然存在,则重复这些操作直到断开连接。
清单 5.16 是服务发布者生成的模板。这是一个工会消息接收和传输,因此用户必须为两者提供代码请求处理和响应生成。

4.10 服务调用

        服务调用例程 call_srv + 损坏的名称由客户端执行。它向发布者发送请求,然后接收响应或错误字符串。与在其主体内生成或处理消息的其他处理程序例程相反,服务调用例程仅用于通信;消息描述符也在外面分配。清单 5.17 中显示了生成的处理程序的示例。用户不需要做任何事情,但建议在收到响应之前释放请求描述符,以减少内存使用。

  1. void init_in_srv__turtlesim__Spawn(
  2. 2 struct in_srv__turtlesim__Spawn *objp
  3. 3 ) {
  4. 4 urosAssert(objp != NULL);
  5. 5
  6. 6 urosStringObjectInit(&objp->name);
  7. 7 }
  8. 8
  9. 9 void init_out_srv__turtlesim__Spawn(
  10. 10 struct out_srv__turtlesim__Spawn *objp
  11. 11 ) {
  12. 12 urosAssert(objp != NULL);
  13. 13
  14. 14 urosStringObjectInit(&objp->name);
  15. 15 }
  16. Listing 5.9: Initialization of turtlesim/Spawn descriptors

  1. 1 void clean_in_srv__turtlesim__Spawn(
  2. 2 struct in_srv__turtlesim__Spawn *objp
  3. 3 ) {
  4. 4 urosAssert(objp != NULL);
  5. 5
  6. 6 urosStringClean(&objp->name);
  7. 7 }
  8. 8
  9. 9 void clean_out_srv__turtlesim__Spawn(
  10. 10 struct out_srv__turtlesim__Spawn *objp
  11. 11 ) {
  12. 12 urosAssert(objp != NULL);
  13. 13
  14. 14 urosStringClean(&objp->name);
  15. 15 }
  16. Listing 5.10: Cleaning function of turtlesim/Spawn descriptors

  1. 1 uros_err_t recv_in_srv__turtlesim__Spawn(
  2. 2 UrosTcpRosStatus *tcpstp,
  3. 3 struct in_srv__turtlesim__Spawn *objp
  4. 4 ) {
  5. 5 urosAssert(tcpstp != NULL);
  6. 6 urosAssert( urosConnIsValid(tcpstp ->csp));
  7. 7 urosAssert(objp != NULL);
  8. 8 #define _CHKOK { if (tcpstp ->err) { goto _error; } }
  9. 9
  10. 10 urosTcpRosRecvRaw(tcpstp, objp ->x); _CHKOK
  11. 11 urosTcpRosRecvRaw(tcpstp, objp ->y); _CHKOK
  12. 12 urosTcpRosRecvRaw(tcpstp, objp ->theta); _CHKOK
  13. 13 urosTcpRosRecvString(tcpstp, &objp ->name); _CHKOK
  14. 14
  15. 15 return tcpstp ->err = UROS_OK;
  16. 16 _error:
  17. 17 clean_in_srv__turtlesim__Spawn(objp);
  18. 18 return tcpstp ->err;
  19. 19 #undef _CHKOK
  20. 20 }
  21. Listing 5.11: Reception and unmarshaling of a turtlesim/Spawn request message

  1. 1 uros_err_t send_out_srv__turtlesim__Spawn(
  2. 2 UrosTcpRosStatus *tcpstp,
  3. 3 struct out_srv__turtlesim__Spawn *objp
  4. 4 ) {
  5. 5 urosAssert(tcpstp != NULL);
  6. 6 urosAssert( urosConnIsValid(tcpstp->csp));
  7. 7 urosAssert(objp != NULL);
  8. 8 #define _CHKOK { if (tcpstp->err) { return tcpstp->err; } }
  9. 9
  10. 10 urosTcpRosSendString(tcpstp, &objp->name); _CHKOK
  11. 11
  12. 12 return tcpstp->err = UROS_OK;
  13. 13 #undef _CHKOK
  14. 14 }
  15. Listing 5.12: Marshaling and transmission of a turtlesim/Spawn response message

  1. 1 void urosMsgTypesRegStaticTypes(void) {
  2. 2
  3. 3 urosRegisterStaticMsgTypeSZ( "rosgraph_msgs/Log",
  4. 4 NULL, "acffd30cd6b6de30f120938c17c593fb");
  5. 5
  6. 6 urosRegisterStaticMsgTypeSZ( "std_msgs/Header",
  7. 7 NULL, "2176decaecbce78abc3b96ef049fabed");
  8. 8
  9. 9 urosRegisterStaticSrvTypeSZ( "turtlesim/Spawn",
  10. 10 NULL, "0b2d2e872a8e2887d5ed626f2bf2c561");
  11. 11 }
  12. Listing 5.13: Registration of the static types used in the examples above

  1. 1 uros_err_t pub_tpc__rosout(UrosTcpRosStatus *tcpstp) {
  2. 2
  3. 3 UROS_TPC_INIT_H(msg__rosgraph_msgs__Log);
  4. 4
  5. 5 while (! urosTcpRosStatusCheckExit(tcpstp)) {
  6. 6 /* TODO: Generate the contents of the message.*/
  7. 7 urosThreadSleepSec( 1); continue; /* TODO: Remove this dummy line.*/
  8. 8
  9. 9 UROS_MSG_SEND_LENGTH(msgp, msg__rosgraph_msgs__Log);
  10. 10 UROS_MSG_SEND_BODY(msgp, msg__rosgraph_msgs__Log);
  11. 11
  12. 12 clean_msg__rosgraph_msgs__Log(msgp);
  13. 13 }
  14. 14 tcpstp->err = UROS_OK;
  15. 15
  16. 16 _finally:
  17. 17 UROS_TPC_UNINIT_H(msg__rosgraph_msgs__Log);
  18. 18 return tcpstp->err;
  19. 19 }
  20. Listing 5.14: Generated handler template for a common /rosout publisher

  1. 1 uros_err_t sub_tpc__rosout(UrosTcpRosStatus *tcpstp) {
  2. 2
  3. 3 UROS_TPC_INIT_H(msg__rosgraph_msgs__Log);
  4. 4
  5. 5 while (! urosTcpRosStatusCheckExit(tcpstp)) {
  7. 7 UROS_MSG_RECV_BODY(msgp, msg__rosgraph_msgs__Log);
  8. 8
  9. 9 /* TODO: Process the received message.*/
  10. 10
  11. 11 clean_msg__rosgraph_msgs__Log(msgp);
  12. 12 }
  13. 13 tcpstp->err = UROS_OK;
  14. 14
  15. 15 _finally:
  16. 16 UROS_TPC_UNINIT_H(msg__rosgraph_msgs__Log);
  17. 17 return tcpstp->err;
  18. 18 }
  19. Listing 5.15: Generated handler template for a /rosout subscriber

  1. 1 uros_err_t pub_srv__reconfigure(UrosTcpRosStatus *tcpstp) {
  2. 2
  3. 3 UROS_SRV_INIT_HISO(in_srv__dynamic_reconfigure__Reconfigure,
  4. 4 out_srv__dynamic_reconfigure__Reconfigure);
  5. 5
  6. 6 do {
  8. 8 UROS_MSG_RECV_BODY(inmsgp, in_srv__dynamic_reconfigure__Reconfigure);
  9. 9
  10. 10 /* TODO: Process the request message.*/
  11. 11 tcpstp ->err = UROS_OK;
  12. 12 urosStringClean(&tcpstp ->errstr);
  13. 13 okByte = 1;
  14. 14
  15. 15 clean_in_srv__dynamic_reconfigure__Reconfigure(inmsgp);
  16. 16
  17. 17 /* TODO: Generate the contents of the response message.*/
  18. 18
  20. 20 UROS_MSG_SEND_LENGTH(&outmsg, out_srv__dynamic_reconfigure__Reconfigure);
  21. 21 UROS_MSG_SEND_BODY(&outmsg, out_srv__dynamic_reconfigure__Reconfigure);
  22. 22
  23. 23 clean_out_srv__dynamic_reconfigure__Reconfigure(&outmsg);
  24. 24 } while (tcpstp ->topicp ->flags.persistent &&
  25. 25 ! urosTcpRosStatusCheckExit(tcpstp));
  26. 26 tcpstp ->err = UROS_OK;
  27. 27
  28. 28 _finally:
  29. 29 UROS_SRV_UNINIT_HISO(in_srv__dynamic_reconfigure__Reconfigure,
  30. 30 out_srv__dynamic_reconfigure__Reconfigure);
  31. 31 return tcpstp ->err;
  32. 32 }
  33. Listing 5.16: Generated handler template for a service publisher

  1. 1 uros_err_t call_srv__reconfigure(
  2. 2 UrosTcpRosStatus *tcpstp,
  3. 3 struct in_srv__dynamic_reconfigure__Reconfigure *inmsgp,
  4. 4 struct out_srv__dynamic_reconfigure__Reconfigure *outmsgp
  5. 5 ) {
  6. 6
  7. 7 UROS_SRVCALL_INIT(in_srv__dynamic_reconfigure__Reconfigure,
  8. 8 out_srv__dynamic_reconfigure__Reconfigure);
  9. 9
  10. 10 UROS_MSG_SEND_LENGTH(inmsgp, in_srv__dynamic_reconfigure__Reconfigure);
  11. 11 UROS_MSG_SEND_BODY(inmsgp, in_srv__dynamic_reconfigure__Reconfigure);
  12. 12
  13. 13 /* TODO: Dispose the contents of the request message.*/
  14. 14
  17. 17 UROS_MSG_RECV_BODY(outmsgp, out_srv__dynamic_reconfigure__Reconfigure);
  18. 18
  19. 19 tcpstp ->err = UROS_OK;
  20. 20 _finally:
  21. 21 return tcpstp ->err;
  22. 22 }
  23. Listing 5.17: Generated handler template for a client service call

* 以上用户言论只代表其个人观点,不代表本网站的观点或立场