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  1. import numpy as np
  2. import mindspore
  3. from mindspore import nn
  4. from mindspore import Tensor
  5. def network():
  6. model = nn.SequentialCell(
  7. nn.Flatten(),
  8. nn.Dense( 28* 28, 512),
  9. nn.ReLU(),
  10. nn.Dense( 512, 512),
  11. nn.ReLU(),
  12. nn.Dense( 512, 10))
  13. return model



  1. model = network()
  2. mindspore.save_checkpoint(model, "model.ckpt")


  1. model = network()
  2. param_dict = mindspore.load_checkpoint( "model.ckpt")
  3. param_not_load = mindspore.load_param_into_net(model, param_dict)
  4. print(param_not_load)



MindSpore端边云统一格式 —— MindIR

- Serving部署推理
- 端侧Lite推理部署

 MindSpore提供了云侧(训练)和端侧(推理)统一的中间表示(Intermediate Representation,IR)可使用export接口直接将模型保存为MindIR。

  1. model = network()
  2. inputs = Tensor(np.ones([ 1, 1, 28, 28]).astype(np.float32))
  3. mindspore.export(model, inputs, file_name= "model", file_format= "MINDIR")


  1. mindspore.set_context(mode=mindspore.GRAPH_MODE)
  2. graph = mindspore.load( "model.mindir")
  3. model = nn.GraphCell(graph)
  4. outputs = model(inputs)
  5. print(outputs.shape)

四、Ascend 310 AI处理器上使用MindIR模型

 Ascend 310是面向边缘场景的高能效高集成度AI处理器。Atlas 200开发者套件又称Atlas 200 Developer Kit(以下简称Atlas 200 DK),是以Atlas 200 AI加速模块为核心的开发者板形态的终端类产品,集成了海思Ascend 310 AI处理器,可以实现图像、视频等多种数据分析与推理计算,可广泛用于智能监控、机器人、无人机、视频服务器等场景。

  1. 环境初始化,指定硬件为Ascend 310,DeviceID为 0
  2. ms::GlobalContext::SetGlobalDeviceTarget(ms::kDeviceTypeAscend310);
  3. ms::GlobalContext::SetGlobalDeviceID( 0);
  4. 加载模型文件:
  5. // Load MindIR model
  6. auto graph =ms::Serialization::LoadModel(resnet_file, ms::ModelType::kMindIR);
  7. // Build model with graph object
  8. ms::Model resnet50((ms::GraphCell(graph)));
  9. ms::Status ret = resnet50.Build({});
  10. 获取模型所需输入信息:
  11. std::vector<ms::MSTensor> model_inputs = resnet50.GetInputs();
  12. 加载图片文件:
  13. // Readfile is a function to read images
  14. ms::MSTensor ReadFile(const std::string &file);
  15. auto image = ReadFile(image_file);
  16. 图片预处理:
  17. // Create the CPU operator provided by MindData to get the function object
  18. ms::dataset::Execute preprocessor({ms::dataset::vision::Decode(), // Decode the input to RGB format
  19. ms::dataset::vision::Resize({ 256}), // Resize the image to the given size
  20. ms::dataset::vision::Normalize({ 0.485 * 255, 0.456 * 255, 0.406 * 255},
  21. { 0.229 * 255, 0.224 * 255, 0.225 * 255}), // Normalize the input
  22. ms::dataset::vision::CenterCrop({ 224, 224}), // Crop the input image at the center
  23. ms::dataset::vision::HWC2CHW(), // shape (H, W, C) to shape(C, H, W)
  24. });
  25. // Call the function object to get the processed image
  26. ret = preprocessor(image, &image);
  27. 执行推理:
  28. // Create outputs vector
  29. std::vector<ms::MSTensor> outputs;
  30. // Create inputs vector
  31. std::vector<ms::MSTensor> inputs;
  32. inputs.emplace_back(model_inputs[ 0].Name(), model_inputs[ 0].DataType(), model_inputs[ 0].Shape(),
  33. image.Data().get(), image.DataSize());
  34. // Call the Predict function of Model for inference
  35. ret = resnet50.Predict(inputs, &outputs);
  36. 获取推理结果:
  37. // Output the maximum probability to the screen
  38. std::cout << "Image: " << image_file << " infer result: " << GetMax(outputs[ 0]) << std::endl;

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