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Everything about gem 关于gem的一切

Name 名称

gem 是 RubyGems program 的简称, 代指使用 ruby 编写的程序包. gem 不是 RubyGems 的简称, RubyGems 是管理 gem 的高级软件包管理器.

Representative Package

Mac 上比较有名的 gemCocoaPods

CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Swift and Objective-C Cocoa projects. It has over 82 thousand libraries and is used in over 3 million apps. CocoaPods can help you scale your projects elegantly.

Grammar Synopsis 语法

gem command [arguments...] [options...]

Summary Description 概述

RubyGems is a sophisticated(高级的) package manager for the Ruby programming language. On OS X the default bindir for gems that install binaries is /Library/Ruby/bin.

For more information about it, you can use its --help flag. There is also online documentation available at “http://docs.rubygems.org”.

Official Website

// 同时也是 Ruby 社区的 Gem 托管服务地址(让你能便捷、快速的发布、管理你的 Gem 以及安装它们。提供 API 查阅可用 Gem 的详细资料)


RubyGems was originally developed at RubyConf 2003 by Rich Kilmer, Chad Fowler, David Black, Paul Brannan and Jim Weirch, and has received a lot of contributions since then.

Sources 源码

You can obtain the RubyGems sources at http://rubyforge.org/projects/rubygems/.


// 查看版本
$ gem --version

// upgrade to the latest RubyGems 更新自己(RubyGems)
$ gem update --system
// upgrade to the latest RubyGems as the administrator or root
$ sudo gem update --system

// 列出本地安装的所有 gem 包(可用查看安装了多少个版本的 CocoaPods,可以对老版本的进行卸载)

$ gem list
// 更新所有的包
$ sudo gem update

// 清除过期的gem
$ sudo gem cleanup

// 安装指定的 gem 包
$ sudo gem install cocoapods

// 在指定的路径安装指定的 gem 包
$ sudo gem install -n /usr/local/bin cocoapods

// 卸载指定的 gem 包
$ sudo gem uninstall cocoapods

// 更新指定的 gem 包
$ sudo gem update cocoapods

// 安装指定 gem 包的预览版本
$ sudo gem install cocoapods --pre

Software Source 软件源问题

以上操作是建立在 gem 服务器良好的情况下进行的, RubyGems 的软件源地址是https://rubygems.org, 因为使用的是亚马逊的云服务,所以被墙了,如果没有科学上网环境, 强烈建议更新一下软件源,使用如下代码将官方的 RubyGems 源替换成国内淘宝映像地址.

// 查看 gem 源
$ gem sources -l
// 添加源(下面的地址是阿里在国内做的一个镜像源)
$ sudo gem sources -a https://ruby.taobao.org/ 
// 删除系统默认的源
$ sudo gem sources -r https://rubygems.org/ 

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