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  1. --可执行的oracle建表SQL:
  2. --学生表
  3. create table Student
  4. (S # varchar2(100) ,
  5. Sname varchar2( 100),
  6. Sage int,
  7. Ssex varchar2( 100)
  8. );
  9. comment on table Student is '学生表';
  10. comment on column Student.S # is '学号';
  11. comment on column Student.Sname is '学生姓名';
  12. comment on column Student.Sage is '学生年龄';
  13. comment on column Student.Ssex is '学生性别';
  14. --课程表
  15. create table Course
  16. (C # varchar2(100) ,
  17. Cname varchar2( 100) ,
  18. T # varchar2(100)
  19. );
  20. comment on table Course is '课程表';
  21. comment on column Course.C # is '课程编号';
  22. comment on column Course.Cname is '课程名称';
  23. comment on column Course.T # is '教师编号';
  24. --成绩表
  25. create table SC
  26. (S # varchar2(100) ,
  27. C # varchar2(100) ,
  28. score number
  29. );
  30. comment on table SC is '成绩表';
  31. comment on column SC.S # is '学号';
  32. comment on column SC.C # is '课程编号';
  33. comment on column SC.score is '成绩';
  34. --教师表
  35. create table Teacher
  36. (T # varchar2(100) ,
  37. Tname varchar2( 100)
  38. );
  39. comment on table Teacher is '成绩表';
  40. comment on column Teacher.T # is '教师编号';
  41. comment on column Teacher.Tname is '教师名字';


  1. --数据插入脚本
  2. --Course-------------------------------
  3. insert into Course (C #, CNAME, T#)
  4. values ( '001', '语文', 'T001');
  5. insert into Course (C #, CNAME, T#)
  6. values ( '002', '数学', 'T002');
  7. insert into Course (C #, CNAME, T#)
  8. values ( '003', '数据库', 'T003');
  9. --SC-------------------------------
  10. insert into SC (S #, C#, SCORE)
  11. values ( '1001', '001', 89);
  12. insert into SC (S #, C#, SCORE)
  13. values ( '1001', '002', 92);
  14. insert into SC (S #, C#, SCORE)
  15. values ( '1002', '003', 78);
  16. insert into SC (S #, C#, SCORE)
  17. values ( '1003', '002', 87);
  18. --Student---------------------------
  19. insert into Student (S #, SNAME, SAGE, SSEX)
  20. values ( '1001', '王三', 18, 'M');
  21. insert into Student (S #, SNAME, SAGE, SSEX)
  22. values ( '1002', '李四', 19, 'F');
  23. insert into Student (S #, SNAME, SAGE, SSEX)
  24. values ( '1003', '亦一', 17, 'M');
  25. --Teacher------------------------
  26. insert into Teacher (T #, TNAME)
  27. values ( 'T001', '王平');
  28. insert into Teacher (T #, TNAME)
  29. values ( 'T002', '孙仲谋');
  30. insert into Teacher (T #, TNAME)
  31. values ( 'T003', '叶平');
  32. -------------------------------



  1. select a.S# from (select S#,score from SC where C#='001')a, 
  2. (select s#,score from SC where c#='002')b Where a.score>b.score and a.s# = b.s#;


select S#, avg(score) from sc group by S# having avg(score)>60


  1. select student.S_id, student.Sname, count(sc.C_id), sum(score) from student 
  2. left join SC on student.S_id = SC.S_id group by Student.S_id, Sname


  1. select count( distinct(Tname))
  2. from teacher
  3. where tname like '李%';


  1. select student.S #, student.Sname
  2. from Student
  3. where S # not in (select distinct(SC.S#) from SC,Course,Teacher
  4. where sc.c #=course.c# AND teacher.T#=course.T# AND Teahcer.Tname ='叶平');


  1. select S #,Sname from Student
  2. where S # in (select S# from SC ,Course ,Teacher
  3. where SC.C #=Course.C# and Teacher.T#=Course.T#
  4. and Teacher.Tname= '叶平' group by S #
  5. having count(SC.C#)=( select count(C#) from Course,Teacher
  6. where Teacher.T#=Course.T # and Tname='叶平'));


  1. select Student.S #,Student.Sname
  2. from Student,SC where Student.S #=SC.S#
  3. and SC.C #='001'and
  4. exists( Select * from SC as SC_2 where SC_2.S #=SC.S# and SC_2.C#='002');


  1. Select S #,Sname
  2. from ( select Student.S #,Student.Sname,score ,
  3. ( select score from SC SC_2 where SC_2.S #=Student.S# and SC_2.C#='002') score2
  4. from Student,SC
  5. where Student.S #=SC.S# and C#='001') S_2
  6. where score2 < score;


  1. select S #, sname
  2. from student
  3. where s # not in
  4. ( select student.s # from student, sc where s.s# = sc.s# and score>60);


  1. select student.s #, student.sname
  2. from student, sc
  3. where student.s #=sc.s#
  4. group by student.s #, student.sname
  5. having count(c #)<(select count(c#) from course);


  1. select s #, Sname
  2. from Student, SC
  3. where student.s # = sc.s#
  4. and c # in (select c# from SC where s#='1001');


  1. select distinct sc.s # , sname
  2. from student, sc
  3. where student.s #=sc.s#
  4. and c # in (select C# from sc where s#='001');


  1. Update Sc Set Score=( Select Avg(s2_Score) From sc s2 Where s2.c #=sc.c#)
  2. Where c # IN
  3. ( Select c # From sc cs INNER JOIN Teacher tc ON cs.t#=tc.t# WHERE tname ='叶平')


  1. select s # from sc where c# in
  2. ( select c # from sc where s#='1002')
  3. group by s # having count(*)=
  4. ( select count(*) from sc where s #='1002');

  1. select t1.s_id from 
  2. (select s_id,count(distinct c_id) as cnt1 from sc where c_id in
  3. (select c_id from sc where s_id=2) and s_id <> 2 group by s_id 
  4. having count(distinct c_id)=(select count(distinct c_id) from sc where s_id=2)) t1,
  5. (select s_id,count(distinct c_id) as cnt2 from sc  group by s_id) t2
  6. where t1.s_id=t2.s_id and t1.cnt1=t2.cnt2 


  1. delect sc
  2. from course, Teacher
  3. where course.c#=sc.c#
  4. and course.t#=teacher.t#
  5. and tname='叶平';


  1. Insert SC select S #,'002',
  2. ( Select avg(score) from SC where C #='002')
  3. from Student where S # not in (Select S# from SC where C#='002');


  1. select s_id as 学生ID,
  2. (select score from sc where sc.s_id=t.s_id and c_id=1) as 数据库,
  3. (select score from sc where sc.s_id=t.s_id and c_id=2) as 企业管理,
  4. (select score from sc where sc.s_id=t.s_id and c_id=3) as 英语,
  5. count(*) as 有效课程数, avg(t.score) as 平均成绩,rank() over(order by avg(t.score) desc) as 名次
  6. from sc  t
  7. group by s_id 
  8. order by avg(t.score) asc
此题很经典,没做出来。rank over() 里面是是计算名次的排序;order by是记录展示的排序

18、查询各科成绩最高和最低的分: 以如下的形式显示:课程ID,最高分,最低分

  1. select L.c # as 课程ID, L.score as 最高分,
  2. R.score as 最低分
  3. from sc L, sc R
  4. where L.c # = R.c#
  5. and L.score = ( select max(IL.score)
  6. from sc IL, student as IM
  7. where L.c #=IL.c# and IM.s#=IL.s#
  8. group by IL.c #)
  9. and R.score = ( select min(IR.score)
  10. from sc as IR
  11. where R.c #=IR.c#
  12. group by IR.c #);
select c_id,max(score),min(score) from sc group by c_Id;


  1. SELECT t.C # AS 课程号,
  2. max(course.Cname) AS 课程名,
  3. isnull( AVG(score), 0) AS 平均成绩,
  4. 100 * SUM( CASE WHEN isnull(score, 0)>= 60 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)/ COUNT(*) AS 及格百分数
  5. FROM SC T,Course
  6. where t.C #=course.C#
  7. GROUP BY t.C #
  8. ORDER BY 100 * SUM( CASE WHEN isnull(score, 0)>= 60 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)/ COUNT(*) DESC

  1. <strong><span style="color: #ff0000">select c_id 课程编号,round(avg(score),2) 平均分,
  2. round(sum(case when score>59 then 1 else 0 end)/ count( 1)* 100.00, 2)|| '%' 及格率 from sc
  3. group by c_id order by 平均分 asc,及格率 desc;</span></strong>

20、查询如下课程平均成绩和及格率的百分数(用”1行”显示): 企业管理(001),马克思(002),OO&UML (003),数据库(004):


  1. SELECT max(Z.T #) AS 教师ID,
  2. MAX(Z.Tname) AS 教师姓名,
  3. C.C # AS 课程ID,
  4. AVG(Score) AS 平均成绩
  5. FROM SC AS T,Course AS C ,Teacher AS Z
  6. where T.C #=C.C# and C.T#=Z.T#
  7. GROUP BY C.C #


23、统计下列各科成绩,各分数段人数:课程ID,课程名称,[100-85],[85-70],[70-60],[ 小于60] :

  1. SELECT SC.C # as 课程ID, Cname as 课程名称,
  2. SUM( CASE WHEN score BETWEEN 85 AND 100 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS [ 100 - 85] ,
  3. SUM( CASE WHEN score BETWEEN 70 AND 85 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS [ 85 - 70],
  4. SUM( CASE WHEN score BETWEEN 60 AND 70 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS [ 70 - 60],
  5. SUM( CASE WHEN score < 60 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS [ 60 -]
  6. FROM SC,Course
  7. where SC.C #=Course.C#
  8. GROUP BY SC.C #,Cname;

  1. select c_id 课程ID,
  2.        (select cname from course t1 where t1.c_id=t2.c_id) 课程名称,
  3.        count(distinct case when score between 85 and 100 then s_id end ) "[85-100分]人数",
  4.        count(distinct case when score between 70 and 85 then s_id end ) "[75-85分]人数",
  5.        count(distinct case when score between 60 and 70 then s_id end ) "[60-70]人数",
  6.        count(distinct case when score <60 then s_id end ) "小于60分人数"
  7.        from sc t2 group by c_id ;


  1. SELECT 1+( SELECT COUNT( distinct 平均成绩)
  2. FROM ( SELECT S #,AVG(score) AS 平均成绩
  3. FROM SC
  4. GROUP BY S # ) AS T1 WHERE 平均成绩 > T2.平均成绩) as 名次,
  5. S # as 学生学号,平均成绩
  6. FROM ( SELECT S #,AVG(score) 平均成绩
  7. FROM SC
  8. GROUP BY S # ) AS T2
  9. ORDER BY 平均成绩 desc;
select s_id 学号,avg(score) 平均成绩,rank() over(order by avg(score) desc) 名次 from sc group by s_id;


  1. SELECT t1.S # as 学生ID,t1.C# as 课程ID,Score as 分数
  2. FROM SC t1
  3. WHERE score IN
  4. ( SELECT TOP 3 score
  5. FROM SC
  6. WHERE t1.C #= C#
  7. ORDER BY score DESC)
select s_id,c_id,dense_rank() over(partition by c_id order by score desc) rank from sc;  
注:oracle没有top N的写法;   


  1. select c #, count(s#)
  2. from sc
  3. group by c #;


  1. select t2.s_Id,t2.sname from student t2 where t2.s_id 
  2. in(select s_Id from sc group by sc.s_id having count(distinct sc.c_id)=1);
  3. select t1.s_id,t2.sname from sc t1,student t2 where t1.s_id=t2.s_id 
  4. group by t1.s_id,t2.sname having count(distinct t1.c_id)=1
 注:写法2 可加深对group by的理解,实际根据t1.s_id已经能够唯一定位,加上t2.sname完全是语法需要


  1. select count(Ssex) as 男生人数
  2. from student
  3. group by Ssex
  4. having Ssex= '男'
  5. select count(Ssex) as 女生人数
  6. from student
  7. group by Ssex
  8. having Ssex= '女';
select (case when ssex='M' then '男' else '女' end) 性别,count(1) 人数 from student group by ssex;


  1. select sname
  2. from student
  3. where sname like '张%';


  1. select sanme,count (*)
  2. from student
  3. group by sname
  4. havang count(*)> 1;


  1. select sname, convert( char( 11), DATEPART( year,sage)) as age
  2. from student
  3. where convert( char( 11), DATEPART( year,Sage))= '1981';


  1. select Sname,SC.S # ,avg(score)
  2. from Student,SC
  3. where Student.S #=SC.S#
  4. group by SC.S #,Sname
  5. having avg(score)> 85;


  1. select C #, avg(score)
  2. from sc
  3. group by c #
  4. order by avg(score), c # desc;


  1. select sname, isnull(score, 0)
  2. from student, sc ,course
  3. where sc.s #=student.s# and sc.c#=course.c# and course.cname='数据库' and score<60;


  1. select sc.s #,sc.c#,sname,cname
  2. from sc,student course
  3. where sc.s #=student.s# and sc.c#=course.c#;


  1. select distinct student.s #,student.sname,sc.c#,sc.score
  2. from student,sc
  3. where sc.score>= 70 and sc.s #=student.s#;


  1. select c #
  2. from sc
  3. where score< 60
  4. order by c #;
select c_id , count(1) from sc where score < 60 group by c_id order by c_id;
注:很好的考察了对group by 用法的理解


  1. select sc.s #,student.sname
  2. from sc,student
  3. where sc.s #=student.s# and score>80 and c#='003';


select count(*) from sc;
select count(distinct c_id) from sc where score is not null;


  1. select student.sname,score
  2. from student,sc,course c, teacher
  3. where student.s #=sc.S# and sc.c#=c.c#
  4. and c.T #=teacher.T#
  5. and teacher.tname= '叶平'
  6. and sc.score=( select max(score) from sc where c #=c.c#);

  1. select t4.sname 姓名,t3.score 成绩 from sc t3,student t4 where t3.s_id=t4.s_id and  t3.score=
  2. ( select max(score) from sc 
  3. where c_id in( select t1.c_id from course t1,teacher t2 where t1.t_id=t2.t_id and t2.tname= '叶平'));


select count(*) from sc group by c#;


  1. select distinct a.s #,b.score
  2. from sc a ,sc b
  3. where a.score=b.score
  4. and a.c #<>b.c#;

  1. select t1.* from 
  2. sc t1,sc t2 where 
  3. t1.score=t2.score and t1.s_id<>t2.s_id and t1.c_id<>t2.c_id order by t1.score;


  1. select t1.s # as 学生ID,t1.c# 课程ID, Score as 分数
  2. from sc t1
  3. where score in ( select top 2 score from sc
  4. where t1.c #=c#
  5. order by score desc)
  6. order by t1.c #;

  1. select (select cname from course where c_id=t1.c_id) 课程名,t2.sname 学生姓名,t1.rank 排名 from 
  2. (select c_id,s_id,rank() over(partition by c_id order by score desc) rank from sc) t1,student t2 
where t1.s_id=t2.s_id and t1.rank <3 
注:partition by 以前没用过,注意下用法;


  1. select c_id,count(distinct s_id) from sc group by c_id 
  2. having count(distinct s_id)>10 order by count(distinct s_id) desc,c_id asc;


  1. select s #
  2. from sc
  3. group by s #
  4. having count(*)>= 2;


  1. select c # ,cname
  2. from course
  3. where c # in (select c# from sc group by c#);


  1. select sname
  2. from student
  3. where s # not in (select s# from course,teacher,sc where course.t#=teacher.t# and sc.c#=course.c#
  4. and tname= '叶平');

  1. select distinct  t3.s_id,t3.sname from student t3,sc t4 where t3.s_id=t4.s_id and t4.c_id 
  2. not in(select t1.c_id from course t1,teacher t2 where t1.t_id=t2.t_id and t2.tname='叶平');
注:此题集合的思想,1、学过叶平的课的学生;2、叶平教过的课    取相反数


  1. select s #,avg(isnull(score,0))
  2. from sc
  3. where s # in (select s# from sc where score<60 group by s# having count(*)>2)
  4. group by s #;

  1. select s_id,avg(score) from sc group by s_id 
  2. having count(distinct case when score < 60 then c_id end)>2


  1. select s #
  2. from sc
  3. where c #='004'
  4. and score< 60
  5. order by score desc;


  1. delect from sc
  2. where s #='002'
  3. and c #='001';

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