
微信小程序 视频列表滑动无限循环(仿抖音)

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*   navbar是我自己封装的头部导航组件
    avideo-swiper 为视频列表组件
<navbar parameter='{ {parameter}}' showTitle="{ {showTitle}}" ></navbar>
  video-list="{ {videoList}}" 
  initial-index="{ {videoIndex}}" 
  duration="{ {duration}}" 


const app = getApp();

  data: {
    parameter: {
      'navbar': '1',
      'return': '1',
      'title': '乡村线报',
      'color': true,
      'class': 'trans',
    url: app.globalData.url,
    videoList: [],
    pageNum: 1,
    pageSize: 5,
    videoIndex: 0, //初始播放第几个
    duration: 500, //滑动切换时常
    dataIdxNow:0,  //当前播放第几个,获取分享内容用的
  onLoad(options) {
      // 获取视频详情

    } else {
      // 获取视频列表
  // 获取视频列表
  getVideoList() {
    let that = this,
      } = that.data
      url: that.data.url + 'xxxxxxx&page=' + pageNum + '&limit=' + pageSize,
      header: {
        'content-type': 'application/json'
        if (res.data.code == 0) {
          let list = res.data.data.list;
          let LoadEnd = res.data.data.page_count <= pageNum ? true : false

            videoList:[...that.data.videoList, ...list]
  // 获取视频详情
  getVideoDetail() {

    let that = this,shareId = that.data.shareId
      url: that.data.url + 'xxxxxx&id=' + shareId,
      header: {
        'content-type': 'application/json'
        if (res.data.code == 0) {
          let detail = res.data.data.data

  onChange(e) {
    let dataIdx = e.detail.dataIdx,
      } = this.data

    // 剩余2个时加载下一页
    if ((dataIdx + 2) == videoList.length) {
        pageNum: LoadEnd ? 1 : this.data.pageNum + 1


  onPlay(e) {
  onWait(e) {

  onShareAppMessage (res) {
    let title = '',shareInfo=''

    if(res.from == 'button'){
      shareInfo = res.target.dataset.shareinfo;
    } else {
      let {videoList,dataIdxNow} = this.data
      shareInfo = videoList[dataIdxNow]

    title = shareInfo.content
        title = title+"ꔷ"+shareInfo.province+""+shareInfo.position

    return {
      title: title,
      path: '/pages/video_swiper/video-swiper?id='+shareInfo.id,
      imageUrl: shareInfo.pic_url


  1. <wxs module= "touch" src= "./touch.wxs"></wxs>
  2. <view class="aswiper">
  3. <view
  4. id= "aswiper__track"
  5. class= "aswiper__track"
  6. bind:touchstart= "{{touch.touchstart}}"
  7. catch:touchmove= "{{touch.touchmove}}"
  8. bind:touchend = "{{touch.touchend}}"
  9. change:trackData= "{{touch.trackDataObserver}}"
  10. trackData= "{{trackData}}"
  11. bind:transitionend= "{{touch.onTransitionEnd}}"
  12. >
  13. <view
  14. wx:for= "{{players}}"
  15. wx:for-item= "player"
  16. wx:for-index= "idx"
  17. wx:key= "id"
  18. class= "aswiper-item aswiper-item--hidden"
  19. >
  20. <!-- 有视频 -->
  21. <view class="aswiper-content" wx:if="{{player.src}}">
  22. <video
  23. id= "{{player.id}}"
  24. class= "aswiper-item-video"
  25. data-player-idx= "{{idx}}"
  26. src= "{{player.src}}"
  27. loop= "{{loop}}"
  28. autoplay= "{{playerIdx == idx ? true :false}}"
  29. object-fit= "{{objectFit}}"
  30. enable-play-gesture= "{{false}}"
  31. enable-progress-gesture= "{{true}}"
  32. show-center-play-btn= "{{false}}"
  33. show-fullscreen-btn= "{{false}}"
  34. show-progress= "{{true}}"
  35. controls= "{{true}}"
  36. bindplay= "onPlay"
  37. bindpause= "onPause"
  38. bindended= "onEnded"
  39. binderror= "onError"
  40. bindtimeupdate= "onTimeUpdate"
  41. bindwaiting= "onWaiting"
  42. bindprogress= "onProgress"
  43. bindloadedmetadata= "onLoadedMetaData"
  44. > </video>
  45. <!-- 视频覆盖层 -->
  46. <view class="video-overlay" data-player-idx="{{idx}}" bind:tap="onVideoOverlayTap">
  47. <view class="aswiper-item-panel" hidden="{{delayShowPanel && !player.scene}}">
  48. <default-panel video="{{curQueue[idx]}}" player-idx="{{idx}}" cur-player-idx="{{playerIdx}}"> </default-panel>
  49. </view>
  50. <!-- 暂停播放按钮 -->
  51. <image hidden="{{!player.scene || player.status !== 2}}" data-player-idx="{{idx}}" class="video-play-btn" src="./image/play-btn.png" mode="aspectFit" catch:tap="onVideoPlayBtnTap" />
  52. </view>
  53. </view>
  54. <!-- 无视频展示广告 -->
  55. <view class="aswiper-content" wx:if="{{player && !player.src}}" >
  56. <ad-custom unit-id="adunit-33e6e9f20e115550" style="height: 100%;"> </ad-custom>
  57. </view>
  58. <view class="aswiper-content__overlay"> </view>
  59. </view>
  60. </view>
  61. </view>

  1. const app = getApp()
  2. Component({
  3. properties: {
  4. vertical: {
  5. type: Boolean,
  6. value: true
  7. },
  8. duration: {
  9. type: Number,
  10. value: 500
  11. },
  12. videoList: {
  13. type: Array,
  14. value: []
  15. },
  16. initialIndex: {
  17. type: Number,
  18. value: 0
  19. },
  20. objectFit: {
  21. type: String,
  22. value: 'contain'
  23. },
  24. loop: {
  25. type: Boolean,
  26. value: true
  27. },
  28. autoPlay: {
  29. type: Boolean,
  30. value: true
  31. },
  32. panelType: {
  33. type: String,
  34. value: 'default'
  35. },
  36. width: {
  37. type: Number,
  38. value: 0
  39. },
  40. height: {
  41. type: Number,
  42. value: 0
  43. }
  44. },
  45. data: {
  46. players: [
  47. {
  48. id: 'video_0',
  49. scene: false,
  50. status: 0, // 0: initial; 1: play; 2: pause
  51. src: null,
  52. },
  53. {
  54. id: 'video_1',
  55. scene: false,
  56. status: 0,
  57. src: null,
  58. },
  59. {
  60. id: 'video_2',
  61. scene: false,
  62. status: 0,
  63. src: null,
  64. }
  65. ],
  66. playerIdx: 0,
  67. trackData: {
  68. width: 0,
  69. height: 0,
  70. vertical: true,
  71. duration: 500,
  72. operation: {}
  73. },
  74. curQueue: [{}, {}, {}],
  75. curVideo: null,
  76. navH: 0,
  77. },
  78. observers: {
  79. initialIndex( index) {
  80. if (index < 0) {
  81. throw new Error( 'initialIndex can not be less than 0.');
  82. }
  83. },
  84. videoList( videoList) {
  85. if (! Array. isArray(videoList)) {
  86. throw new Error( 'videoList is expected an array.');
  87. }
  88. },
  89. 'initialIndex, videoList': function ( initialIndex, videoList) {
  90. const operation = {};
  91. if (initialIndex !== this. _initialIndex && videoList. length > 0) {
  92. this. _initialIndex = initialIndex;
  93. this. _dataIdx = initialIndex;
  94. operation. dataIdx = initialIndex;
  95. }
  96. operation. dataCount = videoList. length;
  97. if (! this. _videoList) {
  98. this. _playing = this. data. autoPlay;
  99. }
  100. this. setData(
  101. {
  102. 'trackData.operation': operation
  103. },
  104. () => {
  105. this. loadCurQueue( this. _dataIdx, this. _playing);
  106. }
  107. );
  108. }
  109. },
  110. created( ) {
  111. this. _rect = null;
  112. this. _videoList = null;
  113. this. _initialIndex = - 1;
  114. this. _dataIdx = 0;
  115. this. _lastDataIdx = - 1;
  116. this. _lastVideo = null;
  117. this. _playing = true;
  118. this. _pausing = {
  119. idx: - 1,
  120. timmer: null
  121. };
  122. this. _savedPlayerIdx = - 1;
  123. this. _playerIdx = 0;
  124. this. _isAndroid = wx. getSystemInfoSync(). platform === 'android';
  125. },
  126. attached( ) {
  127. // 创建视频对象
  128. this. _videoContexts = [];
  129. this. data. players. forEach( (item) => {
  130. this. _videoContexts. push(wx. createVideoContext(item. id, this));
  131. })
  132. },
  133. ready( ) {
  134. this. initialize();
  135. },
  136. methods: {
  137. play( ) {
  138. const { curVideo } = this. data;
  139. if (curVideo) {
  140. this. playCurrent( this. _playerIdx);
  141. }
  142. },
  143. pause( ) {
  144. this. _videoContexts. forEach( (ctx) => {
  145. ctx. pause();
  146. });
  147. },
  148. swiperChange( args) {
  149. const dataIdx = args. dataIdx;
  150. this. _dataIdx = dataIdx;
  151. this. loadCurQueue(dataIdx, false);
  152. },
  153. loadCurQueue( dataIdx, playing = false) {
  154. const curQueue = this. data. curQueue. slice( 0);
  155. const { videoList, players } = this. data;
  156. const maxIdx = videoList. length - 1;
  157. let curVideo = null;
  158. let curDataIdx = dataIdx;
  159. let cur = 0;
  160. if (maxIdx < 0) {
  161. curQueue. forEach( (video) => {
  162. video = {};
  163. });
  164. } else {
  165. if (curDataIdx > maxIdx) {
  166. curDataIdx = maxIdx;
  167. }
  168. let preV = {},
  169. nextV = {};
  170. let pre = 0,
  171. next = 0;
  172. cur = curDataIdx % 3;
  173. pre = cur - 1;
  174. if (pre < 0) {
  175. pre = 2;
  176. }
  177. next = cur + 1;
  178. if (next > 2) {
  179. next = 0;
  180. }
  181. if (curDataIdx - 1 >= 0) {
  182. preV = videoList[curDataIdx - 1];
  183. }
  184. if (curDataIdx + 1 <= maxIdx) {
  185. nextV = videoList[curDataIdx + 1];
  186. }
  187. curQueue[pre] = preV;
  188. curQueue[next] = nextV;
  189. curVideo = videoList[curDataIdx];
  190. curQueue[cur] = curVideo;
  191. curVideo = videoList[curDataIdx];
  192. }
  193. for ( let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
  194. const video = curQueue[i];
  195. const player = players[i];
  196. const src = video. url || null;
  197. player. src = src;
  198. }
  199. this. setData({
  200. players,
  201. curQueue,
  202. curVideo
  203. });
  204. this. _playerIdx = cur;
  205. this. _savedPlayerIdx = - 1;
  206. if (curVideo) {
  207. this. _videoList = videoList;
  208. if (curDataIdx !== this. _lastDataIdx) {
  209. this. _lastDataIdx = curDataIdx;
  210. this. triggerEvent( 'change', {
  211. dataIdx: curDataIdx,
  212. })
  213. }
  214. this. _lastVideo = curVideo;
  215. if (playing && curVideo) {
  216. wx. nextTick( () => {
  217. this. _savedPlayerIdx = cur;
  218. this. playCurrent(cur);
  219. });
  220. }
  221. }
  222. },
  223. // 点击暂停播放
  224. onVideoOverlayTap( e) {
  225. const idx = e. currentTarget. dataset. playerIdx;
  226. const ctx = this. _videoContexts[idx];
  227. const player = this. data. players[idx];
  228. if (player. status === 2) {
  229. if (player. src) {
  230. ctx. play();
  231. }
  232. } else {
  233. ctx. pause();
  234. const status = `players[${idx}].status`;
  235. const scene = `players[${idx}].scene`;
  236. this. setData({
  237. [status]: 2,
  238. [scene]: true
  239. });
  240. }
  241. },
  242. // 点击开始播放
  243. onVideoPlayBtnTap( e) {
  244. const idx = e. currentTarget. dataset. playerIdx;
  245. const ctx = this. _videoContexts[idx];
  246. const player = this. data. players[idx];
  247. if (player. src) {
  248. ctx. play();
  249. }
  250. },
  251. onPlay( e) {
  252. const idx = e. currentTarget. dataset. playerIdx;
  253. const player = this. data. players[idx];
  254. const _pausing = this. _pausing;
  255. const lastStatus = player. status;
  256. this. _playing = true;
  257. if (idx === _pausing. idx) {
  258. clearTimeout(_pausing. timmer);
  259. this. _pausing = {
  260. idx: - 1,
  261. timmer: null
  262. };
  263. }
  264. if (lastStatus !== 1) {
  265. const scene = `players[${idx}].scene`;
  266. const status = `players[${idx}].status`;
  267. this. setData({
  268. [scene]: true,
  269. [status]: 1
  270. });
  271. if (lastStatus === 2) {
  272. this. trigger(e, 'replay');
  273. } else {
  274. this. trigger(e, 'play');
  275. }
  276. }
  277. },
  278. onPause( e) {
  279. const idx = e. currentTarget. dataset. playerIdx;
  280. const player = this. data. players[idx];
  281. this. _playing = false;
  282. if (player. status !== 2) {
  283. const status = `players[${idx}].status`;
  284. this. _pausing = {
  285. idx,
  286. timmer: setTimeout( () => {
  287. this. setData({
  288. [status]: 2
  289. });
  290. this. _pausing = {
  291. idx: - 1,
  292. timmer: null
  293. };
  294. }, 200)
  295. };
  296. }
  297. this. trigger(e, 'pause');
  298. },
  299. onEnded( e) {
  300. this. trigger(e, 'ended');
  301. },
  302. onError( e) {
  303. this. trigger(e, 'error');
  304. },
  305. onTimeUpdate( e) {
  306. this. trigger(e, 'timeupdate');
  307. },
  308. onWaiting( e) {
  309. this. trigger(e, 'wait');
  310. },
  311. onProgress( e) {
  312. this. trigger(e, 'progress');
  313. },
  314. onLoadedMetaData( e) {
  315. this. trigger(e, 'loadedmetadata');
  316. },
  317. trigger( e, type) {
  318. let ext = arguments. length > 2 && arguments[ 2] !== undefined ? arguments[ 2] : {};
  319. let detail = e. detail;
  320. const { curVideo } = this. data;
  321. this. triggerEvent(type, Object. assign( Object. assign({}, detail), { video: curVideo }, ext));
  322. },
  323. playCurrent( cur) {
  324. const { players } = this. data;
  325. this. _videoContexts. forEach( (ctx, idx) => {
  326. const player = players[idx];
  327. if (cur === idx) {
  328. if (player. src) {
  329. ctx. play();
  330. }
  331. } else {
  332. player. scene = false;
  333. player. status = 0;
  334. ctx. stop();
  335. }
  336. });
  337. this. setData({
  338. playerIdx: cur,
  339. players
  340. });
  341. },
  342. onTransitionEnd( ) {
  343. const { curVideo } = this. data;
  344. if ( this. _playerIdx !== this. _savedPlayerIdx) {
  345. if (curVideo) {
  346. this. _savedPlayerIdx = this. _playerIdx;
  347. this. playCurrent( this. _playerIdx);
  348. }
  349. }
  350. },
  351. initialize( ) {
  352. this. getRect( '#aswiper__track'). then( (rect) => {
  353. const { width, height } = this. data;
  354. this. _rect = rect;
  355. this. setData({
  356. 'trackData.width': width,
  357. 'trackData.height': height,
  358. 'trackData.operation': {
  359. rect
  360. }
  361. });
  362. });
  363. },
  364. getRect( selector, all) {
  365. var _this = this;
  366. return new Promise( function ( resolve) {
  367. wx
  368. . createSelectorQuery()
  369. . in(_this)
  370. [all ? 'selectAll' : 'select'](selector)
  371. . boundingClientRect( function ( rect) {
  372. if (all && Array. isArray(rect) && rect. length) {
  373. resolve(rect);
  374. }
  375. if (!all && rect) {
  376. resolve(rect);
  377. }
  378. })
  379. . exec();
  380. });
  381. },
  382. noop( ) {
  383. }
  384. }
  385. });


* 以上用户言论只代表其个人观点,不代表本网站的观点或立场