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五、案例 实现clock时钟的web服务器




nodejs 是一个基于Chrome V8引擎的JavaScript运行环境







  1. const fs = require( 'fs')
  2. //读取文件
  3. //可以提供相对路径,也可以提供绝对路径(node会运行当下路径进行拼接)
  4. fs. readFile( './files/成绩.txt', 'utf8', function( err,dataStr){
  5. //判断是否能读取成功
  6. if(err){
  7. return console. log( "读取失败"+err. message)
  8. }
  9. //将原数组按照空格分开
  10. const arrOld = dataStr. split( ' ')
  11. console. log(arrOld)
  12. console. log( '读取成功'+dataStr)
  13. //用:替换=并且加入到新数组中
  14. const arrNew = []
  15. arrOld. forEach( item => {
  16. arrNew. push(item. replace( '=', ': '))
  17. });
  18. console. log(arrNew)
  19. //向数组中新增空格换行符号
  20. const newStr = arrNew. join( '\r\n')
  21. console. log(newStr)
  22. })








  1. const http = require( 'http')
  2. const serever = http. createServer()
  3. //为服务器实例绑定request事件
  4. serever. on( 'request', function( req,res){
  5. console. log( 'Someone visit our web server')
  6. })
  7. //启动服务器监听(启动服务器)
  8. serever. listen( 8080, function( ){
  9. console. log( 'server running at')
  10. })


  1. //req请求对象
  2. //req:访问与客户端有关的数据和属性
  3. //req.url:客户端请求的URL地址
  4. //req.method:客户端的method请求类型
  5. const http = require( 'http')
  6. const server = http. createServer()
  7. //req请求对象
  8. server. on( 'request', req=>{
  9. const url = req. url
  10. const method = req. method
  11. //输出
  12. const str = `Your request url is ${url}, and reqyest method is ${method}` //反引号
  13. console. log(str)
  14. })
  15. server. listen( 8080, ()=>{
  16. console. log( 'server running at')
  17. })


  1. const http = require( 'http')
  2. const server = http. createServer()
  3. //req请求对象
  4. server. on( 'request', (req,res)=>{
  5. const url = req. url
  6. const method = req. method
  7. //输出
  8. const str = `Your request url is ${url}, and reqyest method is ${method}` //反引号
  9. console. log(str)
  10. //调用res.end方法向客户端响应一些数据
  11. res. end(str)
  12. })
  13. server. listen( 8080, ()=>{
  14. console. log( 'server running at')
  15. })




  1. console. log( '加载了用户自定义模块')
  2. //向module.exports对象上挂载username属性
  3. module. exports. username = 'zz'
  4. //向module》exports上挂在
  5. module. exports. sayHello = function( ){
  6. console. log( "hello")
  7. }
  8. module. exports = {
  9. nickname: '小黑',
  10. sayHi( ){
  11. console. log( 'hi')
  12. }
  13. }


  1. //加载用户模块通过路径
  2. const a = require( './11.加载用户自定义模块')
  3. console. log(a)




  1. //定义格式化时间的方法
  2. function dateFormat( dtStr){
  3. const dt = new Date(dtStr)
  4. //年
  5. const y = dt. getFullYear()
  6. //月
  7. const m = padZero(dt. getMonth()+ 1)
  8. //日
  9. const d = padZero(dt. getDay())
  10. //时
  11. const hh = padZero(dt. getHours())
  12. //分
  13. const mm = padZero(dt. getMinutes())
  14. //秒
  15. const ss = padZero(dt. getMilliseconds())
  16. return `${y}-${m}-${d} ${hh}:${mm}:${ss}`
  17. //`YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss`
  18. }
  19. //添加补0函数
  20. function padZero( n){
  21. return n> 9? n: '0'+n
  22. }
  23. //向外暴露供外界使用
  24. module. exports = {
  25. dateFormat
  26. }


  1. //导入自定义格式化时间模块
  2. const time = require( './17.dateformat')
  3. //调用方法进行时间的格式化
  4. const dt = new Date()
  5. //输出
  6. const newDt = time. dateFormat(dt)
  7. console. log(newDt)


  1. //1.导入moment包
  2. const moment = require( 'moment')
  3. const dt = moment(). format( 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')
  4. console. log(dt)

五、案例 实现clock时钟的web服务器





  1. <!doctype html>
  2. <html>
  3. <head>
  4. <meta charset="UTF-8">
  5. <link rel='stylesheet' href='./clock.css' />
  6. <title>时钟 </title>
  7. </head>
  8. <body>
  9. <div class="clock" id="clock">
  10. <!-- 原点 -->
  11. <div class="origin"> </div>
  12. <!-- 时分秒针 -->
  13. <div class="clock-line hour-line" id="hour-line"> </div>
  14. <div class="clock-line minute-line" id="minute-line"> </div>
  15. <div class="clock-line second-line" id="second-line"> </div>
  16. <!-- 日期 -->
  17. <div class="date-info" id="date-info"> </div>
  18. <!-- 时间 -->
  19. <div class="time-info" >
  20. <div class="time" id="hour-time"> </div>
  21. <div class="time" id="minute-time"> </div>
  22. <div class="time" id="second-time"> </div>
  23. </div>
  24. </div>
  25. <script type='text/javascript' src='./clock.js'> </script>
  26. </body>
  27. </html>


  1. *{
  2. margin:0;
  3. padding:0;
  4. }
  5. /* 外面的大盒子 */
  6. .clock{
  7. width:400px;
  8. height:400px;
  9. border:10px solid #333;
  10. box-shadow: 0px 0px 20px 3px #444 inset;
  11. border-radius:50%;
  12. position:relative;
  13. margin:5px auto;
  14. z-index:10;
  15. background-color:#f6f6f6;
  16. }
  17. /* 时钟数字 */
  18. .clock-num{
  19. width:40px;
  20. height:40px;
  21. font-size:22px;
  22. text-align:center;
  23. line-height:40px;
  24. position:absolute;
  25. z-index:8;
  26. color:#555;
  27. font-family:fantasy, 'Trebuchet MS';
  28. }
  29. .em_num{
  30. font-size:28px;
  31. }
  32. /* 指针 */
  33. .clock-line{
  34. position:absolute;
  35. z-index:20;
  36. }
  37. .hour-line{width:100px;
  38. height:4px;
  39. top:198px;
  40. left:200px;
  41. background-color:#000;
  42. border-radius:2px;
  43. transform-origin:0 50%;
  44. box-shadow:1px -3px 8px 3px #aaa;
  45. }
  46. .minute-line{
  47. width:130px;
  48. height:2px;
  49. top:199px;
  50. left:190px;
  51. background-color:#000;
  52. transform-origin:7.692% 50%;
  53. box-shadow:1px -3px 8px 1px #aaa;
  54. }
  55. .second-line{
  56. width:170px;
  57. height:1px;
  58. top:199.5px;
  59. left:180px;
  60. background-color:#f60;
  61. transform-origin:11.765% 50%;
  62. box-shadow:1px -3px 7px 1px #bbb;
  63. }
  64. /* 原点 */
  65. .origin{
  66. width:20px;
  67. height:20px;
  68. border-radius:10px;
  69. background-color:#000;
  70. position:absolute;
  71. top:190px;
  72. left:190px;
  73. z-index:14;
  74. }
  75. /* 日期 时间 */
  76. .date-info{
  77. width:160px;
  78. height:28px;
  79. line-height:28px;
  80. text-align:center;
  81. position:absolute;
  82. top:230px;
  83. left:120px;
  84. z-index:11;
  85. color:#555;
  86. font-weight:bold;
  87. font-family:'微软雅黑';
  88. }
  89. .time-info{
  90. width:92px;
  91. height:30px;
  92. line-height:30px;
  93. text-align:center;
  94. position:absolute;
  95. top:270px;
  96. left:154px;
  97. z-index:11;
  98. background-color:#555;
  99. padding:0;
  100. box-shadow:0px 0px 9px 2px #222 inset;
  101. }
  102. .time{
  103. width:30px;
  104. height:30px;
  105. text-align:center;
  106. float:left;
  107. color:#fff;
  108. font-weight:bold;
  109. }
  110. #minute-time{
  111. border-left:1px solid #fff;
  112. border-right:1px solid #fff;
  113. }
  114. /* 刻度 */
  115. .clock-scale{
  116. width:195px;
  117. height:2px;
  118. transform-origin:0% 50%;
  119. z-index:7;
  120. position:absolute;
  121. top:199px;
  122. left:200px;
  123. }
  124. .scale-show{
  125. width:12px;
  126. height:2px;
  127. background-color:#555;
  128. float:left;
  129. }
  130. .scale-hidden{
  131. width:183px;
  132. height:2px;
  133. float:left;
  134. }


  1. ( function( ){ //自己调用自己
  2. //页面加载完成时运行,将实参传给下面的函数
  3. window. onload= initNumXY( 200, 160, 40, 40);
  4. //获取指针的时分秒
  5. var hour_line = document. getElementById( "hour-line");
  6. var minute_line = document. getElementById( "minute-line");
  7. var second_line = document. getElementById( "second-line");
  8. var date_info = document. getElementById( "date-info");
  9. var week_day = [
  10. '星期日', '星期一', '星期二', '星期三', '星期四', '星期五', '星期六'
  11. ];
  12. //获取时间的时分秒
  13. var hour_time = document. getElementById( "hour-time");
  14. var minute_time = document. getElementById( "minute-time");
  15. var second_time = document. getElementById( "second-time");
  16. //在底部调用函数
  17. function setTime( ){
  18. var this_day = new Date();
  19. //如果时间大于12小时,就减去12小时
  20. var hour = (this_day. getHours() >= 12) ?
  21. (this_day. getHours() - 12) : this_day. getHours();
  22. var minute = this_day. getMinutes();
  23. var second = this_day. getSeconds();
  24. //定义小时转的角度
  25. var hour_rotate = (hour* 30- 90) + ( Math. floor(minute / 12) * 6);
  26. //获取4位数的年份
  27. var year = this_day. getFullYear();
  28. //获取月份,如果小于10,要加0
  29. var month = ((this_day. getMonth() + 1) < 10 ) ?
  30. "0"+(this_day. getMonth() + 1) : (this_day. getMonth() + 1);
  31. //获取天数,小于10 加上0
  32. var date = (this_day. getDate() < 10 ) ?
  33. "0"+this_day. getDate() : this_day. getDate();
  34. //获取星期
  35. var day = this_day. getDay();
  36. //获取要转的度数
  37. hour_line. style. transform = 'rotate(' + hour_rotate + 'deg)';
  38. minute_line. style. transform = 'rotate(' + (minute* 6 - 90) + 'deg)';
  39. second_line. style. transform = 'rotate(' + (second* 6 - 90)+ 'deg)';
  40. //写入年月日
  41. date_info. innerHTML =
  42. year + "-" + month + "-" + date + " " + week_day[day];
  43. //在框框内写入时分秒
  44. hour_time. innerHTML = (this_day. getHours() < 10) ?
  45. "0" + this_day. getHours() : this_day. getHours();
  46. minute_time. innerHTML = (this_day. getMinutes() < 10) ?
  47. "0" + this_day. getMinutes() : this_day. getMinutes();
  48. second_time. innerHTML = (this_day. getSeconds() < 10) ?
  49. "0" + this_day. getSeconds():this_day. getSeconds();
  50. }
  51. //1秒执行一次
  52. setInterval(setTime, 1000);
  53. //让1至12个数按函数排这个位置
  54. function initNumXY( R, r, w, h){
  55. //数组里面装对象,每个元素对应每个数字的位置
  56. var numXY = [
  57. {
  58. "left" : R + 0.5 * r - 0.5 * w,
  59. "top" : R - 0.5 * r * 1.73205 - 0.5 * h
  60. },
  61. {
  62. "left" : R + 0.5 * r * 1.73205 - 0.5 * w,
  63. "top" : R - 0.5 * r - 0.5 * h
  64. },
  65. {
  66. "left" : R + r - 0.5 * w,
  67. "top" : R - 0.5 * h
  68. },
  69. {
  70. "left" : R + 0.5 * r * 1.73205 - 0.5 * w,
  71. "top" : R + 0.5 * r - 0.5 * h
  72. },
  73. {
  74. "left" : R + 0.5 * r - 0.5 * w,
  75. "top" : R + 0.5 * r * 1.732 - 0.5 * h
  76. },
  77. {
  78. "left" : R - 0.5 * w,
  79. "top" : R + r - 0.5 * h
  80. },
  81. {
  82. "left" : R - 0.5 * r - 0.5 * w,
  83. "top" : R + 0.5 * r * 1.732 - 0.5 * h
  84. },
  85. {
  86. "left" : R - 0.5 * r * 1.73205 - 0.5 * w,
  87. "top" : R + 0.5 * r - 0.5 * h
  88. },
  89. {
  90. "left" : R - r - 0.5 * w,
  91. "top" : R - 0.5 * h
  92. },
  93. {
  94. "left" : R - 0.5 * r * 1.73205 - 0.5 * w,
  95. "top" : R - 0.5 * r - 0.5 * h
  96. },
  97. {
  98. "left" : R - 0.5 * r - 0.5 * w,
  99. "top": R - 0.5 * r * 1.73205 - 0.5 * h
  100. },
  101. {
  102. "left" : R - 0.5 * w,
  103. "top" : R - r - 0.5 * h
  104. }
  105. ];
  106. //获取大盒子
  107. var clock = document. getElementById( "clock");
  108. //for循环,规定值小于12,
  109. for( var i = 1; i <= 12; i++){
  110. //如果除以3能除完,就在div盒子里面写入,并且有两个样式
  111. if(i% 3 == 0) {
  112. clock. innerHTML += "<div class='clock-num em_num'>"+i+ "</div>";
  113. } else {
  114. clock. innerHTML += "<div class='clock-num'>" + i + "</div>";
  115. }
  116. }
  117. //获取时钟数字的class类名
  118. var clock_num = document. getElementsByClassName( "clock-num");
  119. //时钟数的位置
  120. for( var i = 0; i < clock_num. length; i++) {
  121. clock_num[i]. style. left = numXY[i]. left + 'px';
  122. clock_num[i]. style. top = numXY[i]. top + 'px';
  123. }
  124. //在div盒子里面写入刻度
  125. for( var i = 0; i < 60; i++) {
  126. clock. innerHTML += "<div class='clock-scale'> " +
  127. "<div class='scale-hidden'></div>" +
  128. "<div class='scale-show'></div>" +
  129. "</div>";
  130. }
  131. var scale = document. getElementsByClassName( "clock-scale");
  132. //将刻度分散布在整个钟表上
  133. for( var i = 0; i < scale. length; i++) {
  134. scale[i]. style. transform= "rotate(" + (i * 6 - 90) + "deg)";
  135. }
  136. }
  137. })();


  1. //1.导入node模块
  2. //导入http模块
  3. const http = require( 'http')
  4. //导入fs文件系统模块
  5. const fs = require( 'fs')
  6. //导入path路径处理模块
  7. const path = require( 'path')
  8. //2.创建web服务器
  9. //创建服务器实例化对象
  10. const server = http. createServer()
  11. //监听服务器的request事件
  12. server. on( 'request', (req,res)=>{
  13. //获取客户端请求的url地址
  14. const url = req. url
  15. //把获取的url地址映射成具体文件的存放路径
  16. //const fpath = path.join(__dirname,url)
  17. //优化路径
  18. //定义空白的路径
  19. let fpath = ''
  20. if(url === '/'){
  21. fpath = path. join(__dirname, './clock/clock.html')
  22. } else{
  23. fpath = path. join(__dirname, '/clock',url)
  24. }
  25. //根据映射过来的文件路径读取文件
  26. fs. readFile(fpath, 'utf8', (err,dataStr)=>{
  27. //读取文件失败,向客户端响应错误信息
  28. if(err){ return res. end( '404 NOT FOUND')}
  29. //读取文件成功,将读取成功的内容响应给客户端
  30. res. end(dataStr)
  31. })
  32. })
  33. //启动服务器
  34. server. listen( 8080, ()=>{
  35. console. log( 'server running at')
  36. })




* 以上用户言论只代表其个人观点,不代表本网站的观点或立场