import pygame from locale import * pygame.init() pygame.mixer.init() screen=pygame.display.set_mode((700,500)) pygame.display.set_caption("木鱼功德") img1=pygame.image.load("images/muyuluck1.jpg") # img2=pygame.image.load("images/muyulucky2.png") img2=pygame.image.load("images/zan.jpg") img3=pygame.image.load("images/qw.png") rect1=img1.get_rect() muyulucky = pygame.mixer.Sound('sound/muyu.WAV') muyulucky.set_volume(0.4) if pygame.mouse.get_focused(): # 获取光标位置,2个值 ball_x, ball_y = pygame.mouse.get_pos() screen.blit(img1, (-180, -100)) count=0 f = pygame.font.SysFont('华文楷体',50) f1 = pygame.font.SysFont('华文楷体',30) # 生成文本信息,第一个参数文本内容;第二个参数,字体是否平滑; # 第三个参数,RGB模式的字体颜色;第四个参数,RGB模式字体背景颜色; # text = f.render("功德+1",True,(255,0,0),(0,0,0)) # text1=f1.render("今日积累功德"+str(count)+"次",True,(255,0,0),(0,0,0)) #获得显示对象的rect区域坐标 # textRect =text.get_rect() # text1Rect =text1.get_rect() # 设置显示对象居中 # textRect.topleft = (30,30) # text1Rect.topleft = (450,30) flag = False while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): if pygame.Rect.collidepoint(rect1, (ball_x, ball_y)) and event.type==pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: muyulucky.play() flag=True count = count + 1 text = f.render("功德+1", True, (255, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0)) textRect = text.get_rect() textRect.topleft = (30, 30) text1 = f1.render("今日积累功德" + str(count) + "次", True, (255, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0)) text1Rect = text1.get_rect() text1Rect.topleft = (450, 30) screen.blit(text1, text1Rect) screen.blit(text,textRect) if count==8: f2 = pygame.font.SysFont("华文楷体", 25) text2 = f2.render("今日积累功德8次,去表白应该不会被拒绝太难堪哦", True, (255, 0, 20)) text2Rect = text.get_rect() text2Rect.topleft = (60, 150) screen.blit(text2, text2Rect) if count==10: text = f.render("功德+1", True, (255, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0)) textRect = text.get_rect() textRect.topleft = (30, 30) text1 = f1.render("今日积累功德" + str(count) + "次", True, (255, 0, 0)) text1Rect = text1.get_rect() text1Rect.topleft = (450, 30) screen.blit(img1, (-180, -100)) screen.blit(text1, text1Rect) screen.blit(text, textRect) if count==20: f2 = pygame.font.SysFont("华文楷体", 25) text3 = f2.render("手速这么快干嘛,这是敲木鱼积功德,不是你dfj", True, (230, 90, 80)) text3Rect = text.get_rect() text3Rect.topleft = (60, 150) screen.blit(text3, text3Rect) if count==22: text = f.render("功德+1", True, (255, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0)) textRect = text.get_rect() textRect.topleft = (30, 30) text1 = f1.render("今日积累功德" + str(count) + "次", True, (255, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0)) text1Rect = text1.get_rect() text1Rect.topleft = (450, 30) screen.blit(img1, (-180, -100)) screen.blit(text1, text1Rect) screen.blit(text, textRect) if count==28: f2 = pygame.font.SysFont("华文楷体", 25) text3 = f2.render("tmd,我看你不是敲木鱼,是泄火吧", True, (255, 200, 20)) text3Rect = text.get_rect() text3Rect.topleft = (60, 150) screen.blit(text3, text3Rect) if count==30: text = f.render("功德+1", True, (255, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0)) textRect = text.get_rect() textRect.topleft = (30, 30) text1 = f1.render("今日积累功德" + str(count) + "次", True, (255, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0)) text1Rect = text1.get_rect() text1Rect.topleft = (450, 30) screen.blit(img1, (-180, -100)) screen.blit(text1, text1Rect) screen.blit(text, textRect) if count==40: screen.blit(img2, (-210,10)) if count==41: text = f.render("功德+1", True, (255, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0)) textRect = text.get_rect() textRect.topleft = (30, 30) text1 = f1.render("今日积累功德" + str(count) + "次", True, (255, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0)) text1Rect = text1.get_rect() text1Rect.topleft = (450, 30) screen.blit(img1, (-180, -100)) screen.blit(text1, text1Rect) screen.blit(text, textRect) if count==50: f2 = pygame.font.SysFont("华文楷体", 25) text3 = f2.render("今日功德累计50次了,小熊后台奖励你一只女朋友!", True, (255, 0, 0)) text3Rect = text.get_rect() text3Rect.topleft = (60, 150) screen.blit(text3, text3Rect) screen.blit(img3, (-300, 0)) if count==51: text = f.render("功德+1", True, (255, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0)) textRect = text.get_rect() textRect.topleft = (30, 30) text1 = f1.render("今日积累功德" + str(count) + "次", True, (255, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0)) text1Rect = text1.get_rect() text1Rect.topleft = (450, 30) screen.blit(img1, (-180, -100)) screen.blit(text1, text1Rect) screen.blit(text, textRect) pygame.display.flip() if pygame.Rect.collidepoint(rect1, (ball_x, ball_y)) and event.type==pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP: flag = False text = f.render("功德+1", True, (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0)) textRect = text.get_rect() textRect.topleft = (30, 30) screen.blit(text, textRect) if count==40: screen.blit(img2, (-210, 10)) if count==50: f2 = pygame.font.SysFont("华文楷体", 25) text3 = f2.render("功德积累是好事,凡事有个度!", True, (255, 0, 0)) text4 = f2.render("小熊后台检测到你今日功德累计50次,看张照片放松一下吧!!", True, (255, 0, 0)) text3Rect = text.get_rect() text4Rect = text.get_rect() text3Rect.topleft = (60, 150) text4Rect.topleft = (0, 180) screen.blit(img3, (-300, 0)) screen.blit(text3, text3Rect) screen.blit(text4, text4Rect) pygame.display.flip() if event.type==pygame.QUIT: import mouse pygame.quit() pygame.display.flip()