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2.2 GRNN神经网络




  1. clc;
  2. clear;
  3. close all;
  4. addpath 'func\'
  5. %STEP1
  6. %**************************************************************************
  7. I =imread('Images\ 18.jpg ');
  8. figure(1)
  9. subplot(161);
  10. imshow(I);
  11. title('原图 ');
  12. I1=rgb2gray(I);
  13. subplot(162);
  14. imshow(I1);
  15. title('灰度图 ');
  16. %车牌定位
  17. Ip = func_position(I,I1,1.4,150);
  18. subplot(163);
  19. imshow(Ip);
  20. title('车牌区域 ');
  21. %膨胀
  22. se = strel('ball ',16,16);
  23. Ip2 = uint8(imdilate(Ip,se));
  24. Ip2 = 255*double(im2bw(Ip2));
  25. subplot(164);
  26. imshow(Ip2);
  27. title('膨胀 ');
  28. %去掉小面积的噪声干扰
  29. %Determine the connected components.
  30. L = bwlabeln(Ip2);
  31. %Compute the area of each component.
  32. S = regionprops(L,'Area ');
  33. %Remove small objects.
  34. bw2 = ismember(L, find([S.Area] >= 10000));
  35. subplot(165);
  36. imshow(bw2);
  37. title('去掉干扰 ');
  38. %提取车牌
  39. PP = im2bw(bw2);
  40. Ipos = func_Pai_Position(I,PP);
  41. subplot(166);
  42. imshow(Ipos);
  43. title('车牌提取 ');
  44. save Result_STEP1.mat Ipos
  45. %STEP2
  46. %**************************************************************************
  47. %提取的车牌
  48. load Result_STEP1.mat
  49. figure;
  50. subplot(221);
  51. imshow(Ipos);
  52. title('车牌提取 ');
  53. %如果有角度倾斜,则旋转
  54. Iang = func_angle(Ipos);
  55. subplot(222);
  56. imshow(Iang);
  57. title('车牌提取-旋转 ');
  58. %车牌分割
  59. I2 = uint8(255*im2bw(Iang,1.2*graythresh(Iang)));
  60. subplot(223);
  61. imshow(I2);
  62. title('等待分割的车牌 ');
  63. tmps = func_fenge(I2);
  64. save Result_STEP2.mat tmps Iang
  65. %STEP3
  66. %**************************************************************************
  67. %提取的车牌
  68. load Result_STEP2.mat
  69. word1=imresize(tmps{1},[40 20]);
  70. word2=imresize(tmps{2},[40 20]);
  71. word3=imresize(tmps{3},[40 20]);
  72. word4=imresize(tmps{4},[40 20]);
  73. word5=imresize(tmps{5},[40 20]);
  74. word6=imresize(tmps{6},[40 20]);
  75. word7=imresize(tmps{7},[40 20]);
  76. figure;
  77. subplot(241);imshow(word1);
  78. subplot(242);imshow(word2);
  79. subplot(243);imshow(word3);
  80. subplot(244);imshow(word4);
  81. subplot(245);imshow(word5);
  82. subplot(246);imshow(word6);
  83. subplot(247);imshow(word7);

  1. clc;
  2. clear;
  3. close all;
  4. addpath 'func\'
  5. %提取的车牌
  6. load Result_STEP2.mat
  7. word1=imresize(tmps{ 1},[ 40 20]);
  8. word2=imresize(tmps{ 2},[ 40 20]);
  9. word3=imresize(tmps{ 3},[ 40 20]);
  10. word4=imresize(tmps{ 4},[ 40 20]);
  11. word5=imresize(tmps{ 5},[ 40 20]);
  12. word6=imresize(tmps{ 6},[ 40 20]);
  13. word7=imresize(tmps{ 7},[ 40 20]);
  14. figure;
  15. subplot( 241);imshow(word1);
  16. subplot( 242);imshow(word2);
  17. subplot( 243);imshow(word3);
  18. subplot( 244);imshow(word4);
  19. subplot( 245);imshow(word5);
  20. subplot( 246);imshow(word6);
  21. subplot( 247);imshow(word7);
  22. %神经网络训练
  23. tic
  24. net = func_grnn_train();
  25. toc
  26. %识别
  27. %第一个中文
  28. words = word1;
  29. wordss = func_yuchuli(words);
  30. wordsss = sim(net,wordss ');
  31. [V,I] = max(wordsss);
  32. d = 14;
  33. y{ 1} = func_check(d);
  34. %第 2个英文文
  35. words = word2;
  36. wordss = func_yuchuli(words);
  37. wordsss = sim(net,wordss ');
  38. [V,I] = max(wordsss( 11: 13));
  39. d = I;
  40. y{ 2} = func_check(d+ 10);
  41. for i = 3: 7
  42. if i == 3
  43. words = word3;
  44. end
  45. if i == 4
  46. words = word4;
  47. end
  48. if i == 5
  49. words = word5;
  50. end
  51. if i == 6
  52. words = word6;
  53. end
  54. if i == 7
  55. words = word7;
  56. end
  57. wordss = func_yuchuli(words);
  58. wordsss = sim(net,wordss ');
  59. [V,I] = max(wordsss);
  60. d = I;
  61. y{i} = func_check(d);
  62. end
  63. STR = [num2str(y{ 1}),num2str(y{ 2}),num2str(y{ 3}),num2str(y{ 4}),num2str(y{ 5}),num2str(y{ 6}),num2str(y{ 7})];
  64. s=strcat(STR);
  65. disp(s);
  66. load Result_STEP1.mat
  67. figure;
  68. subplot( 211);
  69. imshow(Iang);
  70. title(s);





[01]吴卉.城市交通信息平台中地图匹配、车辆跟踪及速度估算的研究[D].上海交通大学, 2006.



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