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1  介绍


DRIVE数据集下载:百度网盘 (密码:4l7v)


图1 DRIVE数据集的训练集眼底图像


图2 DRIVE数据集的训练集手工标注血管图像

图3 DRIVE数据集的训练集眼部轮廓图像




2  依赖的库


- numpy == 1.16.4
- Keras == 2.2.5
- Tensorflow == 1.13.1
- Pillow == 5.0.0
- opencv-python == 
- h5py == 2.7.1
- configparser == 3.5.0
- scikit-learn == 0.19.1


3  数据读取与保存



  1. def get_datasets(imgs_dir,groundTruth_dir,borderMasks_dir,train_test="null"):
  2. imgs = np.empty((Nimgs,height,width,channels))
  3. groundTruth = np.empty((Nimgs,height,width))
  4. border_masks = np.empty((Nimgs,height,width))
  5. for path, subdirs, files in os.walk(imgs_dir): #list all files, directories in the path
  6. for i in range(len(files)):
  7. #original
  8. print( "original image: " +files[i])
  9. img = Image.open(imgs_dir+files[i])
  10. imgs[i] = np.asarray(img)
  11. #corresponding ground truth
  12. groundTruth_name = files[i][ 0: 2] + "_manual1.gif"
  13. print( "ground truth name: " + groundTruth_name)
  14. g_truth = Image.open(groundTruth_dir + groundTruth_name)
  15. groundTruth[i] = np.asarray(g_truth)
  16. #corresponding border masks
  17. border_masks_name = ""
  18. if train_test== "train":
  19. border_masks_name = files[i][ 0: 2] + "_training_mask.gif"
  20. elif train_test== "test":
  21. border_masks_name = files[i][ 0: 2] + "_test_mask.gif"
  22. else:
  23. print( "specify if train or test!!")
  24. exit()
  25. print( "border masks name: " + border_masks_name)
  26. b_mask = Image.open(borderMasks_dir + border_masks_name)
  27. border_masks[i] = np.asarray(b_mask)
  28. print( "imgs max: " +str(np.max(imgs)))
  29. print( "imgs min: " +str(np.min(imgs)))
  30. assert(np.max(groundTruth)== 255 and np.max(border_masks)== 255)
  31. assert(np.min(groundTruth)== 0 and np.min(border_masks)== 0)
  32. print( "ground truth and border masks are correctly withih pixel value range 0-255 (black-white)")
  33. #reshaping for my standard tensors
  34. imgs = np.transpose(imgs,( 0, 3, 1, 2))
  35. assert(imgs.shape == (Nimgs,channels,height,width))
  36. groundTruth = np.reshape(groundTruth,(Nimgs, 1,height,width))
  37. border_masks = np.reshape(border_masks,(Nimgs, 1,height,width))
  38. assert(groundTruth.shape == (Nimgs, 1,height,width))
  39. assert(border_masks.shape == (Nimgs, 1,height,width))
  40. return imgs, groundTruth, border_masks


4  训练

4.1  数据预处理




  1. # CLAHE (Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization)
  2. #adaptive histogram equalization is used. In this, image is divided into small blocks called "tiles" (tileSize is 8x8 by default in OpenCV). Then each of these blocks are histogram equalized as usual. So in a small area, histogram would confine to a small region (unless there is noise). If noise is there, it will be amplified. To avoid this, contrast limiting is applied. If any histogram bin is above the specified contrast limit (by default 40 in OpenCV), those pixels are clipped and distributed uniformly to other bins before applying histogram equalization. After equalization, to remove artifacts in tile borders, bilinear interpolation is applied
  3. def clahe_equalized(imgs):
  4. assert (len(imgs.shape)== 4) #4D arrays
  5. assert (imgs.shape[ 1]== 1) #check the channel is 1
  6. #create a CLAHE object (Arguments are optional).
  7. clahe = cv2.createCLAHE(clipLimit= 2.0, tileGridSize=( 8, 8))
  8. imgs_equalized = np.empty(imgs.shape)
  9. for i in range(imgs.shape[ 0]):
  10. imgs_equalized[i, 0] = clahe.apply(np.array(imgs[i, 0], dtype = np.uint8))
  11. return imgs_equalized


  1. def adjust_gamma(imgs, gamma=1.0):
  2. assert (len(imgs.shape)== 4) #4D arrays
  3. assert (imgs.shape[ 1]== 1) #check the channel is 1
  4. # build a lookup table mapping the pixel values [0, 255] to
  5. # their adjusted gamma values
  6. invGamma = 1.0 / gamma
  7. table = np.array([((i / 255.0) ** invGamma) * 255 for i in np.arange( 0, 256)]).astype( "uint8")
  8. # apply gamma correction using the lookup table
  9. new_imgs = np.empty(imgs.shape)
  10. for i in range(imgs.shape[ 0]):
  11. new_imgs[i, 0] = cv2.LUT(np.array(imgs[i, 0], dtype = np.uint8), table)
  12. return new_imgs

4.2  数据扩增




  1. for i in range(full_imgs.shape[ 0]): #loop over the full images
  2. k= 0
  3. while k <patch_per_img:
  4. x_center = random.randint( 0+int(patch_w/ 2),img_w-int(patch_w/ 2))
  5. # print "x_center " +str(x_center)
  6. y_center = random.randint( 0+int(patch_h/ 2),img_h-int(patch_h/ 2))
  7. # print "y_center " +str(y_center)
  8. #check whether the patch is fully contained in the FOV
  9. if inside== True:
  10. if is_patch_inside_FOV(x_center,y_center,img_w,img_h,patch_h)== False:
  11. continue
  12. patch = full_imgs[i,:,y_center-int(patch_h/ 2):y_center+int(patch_h/ 2),x_center-int(patch_w/ 2):x_center+int(patch_w/ 2)]
  13. patch_mask = full_masks[i,:,y_center-int(patch_h/ 2):y_center+int(patch_h/ 2),x_center-int(patch_w/ 2):x_center+int(patch_w/ 2)]
  14. patches[iter_tot]=patch
  15. patches_masks[iter_tot]=patch_mask
  16. iter_tot += 1 #total
  17. k+= 1 #per full_img


4.3  搭建网络模型



  1. #Define the neural network
  2. def get_unet(n_ch,patch_height,patch_width):
  3. inputs = Input(shape=(n_ch,patch_height,patch_width))
  4. conv1 = Conv2D( 32, ( 3, 3), activation= 'relu', padding= 'same',data_format= 'channels_first')(inputs)
  5. conv1 = Dropout( 0.2)(conv1)
  6. conv1 = Conv2D( 32, ( 3, 3), activation= 'relu', padding= 'same',data_format= 'channels_first')(conv1)
  7. pool1 = MaxPooling2D(( 2, 2))(conv1)
  8. #
  9. conv2 = Conv2D( 64, ( 3, 3), activation= 'relu', padding= 'same',data_format= 'channels_first')(pool1)
  10. conv2 = Dropout( 0.2)(conv2)
  11. conv2 = Conv2D( 64, ( 3, 3), activation= 'relu', padding= 'same',data_format= 'channels_first')(conv2)
  12. pool2 = MaxPooling2D(( 2, 2))(conv2)
  13. #
  14. conv3 = Conv2D( 128, ( 3, 3), activation= 'relu', padding= 'same',data_format= 'channels_first')(pool2)
  15. conv3 = Dropout( 0.2)(conv3)
  16. conv3 = Conv2D( 128, ( 3, 3), activation= 'relu', padding= 'same',data_format= 'channels_first')(conv3)
  17. up1 = UpSampling2D(size=( 2, 2))(conv3)
  18. up1 = concatenate([conv2,up1],axis= 1)
  19. conv4 = Conv2D( 64, ( 3, 3), activation= 'relu', padding= 'same',data_format= 'channels_first')(up1)
  20. conv4 = Dropout( 0.2)(conv4)
  21. conv4 = Conv2D( 64, ( 3, 3), activation= 'relu', padding= 'same',data_format= 'channels_first')(conv4)
  22. #
  23. up2 = UpSampling2D(size=( 2, 2))(conv4)
  24. up2 = concatenate([conv1,up2], axis= 1)
  25. conv5 = Conv2D( 32, ( 3, 3), activation= 'relu', padding= 'same',data_format= 'channels_first')(up2)
  26. conv5 = Dropout( 0.2)(conv5)
  27. conv5 = Conv2D( 32, ( 3, 3), activation= 'relu', padding= 'same',data_format= 'channels_first')(conv5)
  28. #
  29. conv6 = Conv2D( 2, ( 1, 1), activation= 'relu',padding= 'same',data_format= 'channels_first')(conv5)
  30. conv6 = core.Reshape(( 2,patch_height*patch_width))(conv6)
  31. conv6 = core.Permute(( 2, 1))(conv6)
  32. conv7 = core.Activation( 'softmax')(conv6)
  33. model = Model(inputs=inputs, outputs=conv7)
  34. # sgd = SGD(lr=0.01, decay=1e-6, momentum=0.3, nesterov=False)
  35. model.compile(optimizer= 'sgd', loss= 'categorical_crossentropy',metrics=[ 'accuracy'])
  36. return model

4.4  执行训练


训练过程的我电脑信息如下,占用内存还是挺高的。Windows10,内存一共24GB(一块8GB,一块16GB)。GPU使用的是GTX 1060(阉割版,显存3GB)。


5  预测生成

5.1 准备数据


5.2 读取保存好的模型权重


model.load_weights(path_experiment+name_experiment + '_'+best_last+'_weights.h5')

5.3 预测


5.4 预测结果对比


5.5 计算评价结果



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