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  1. #!/usr/bin/env python
  2. # encoding: utf-8
  3. '''
  4. #-------------------------------------------------------------------
  6. #-------------------------------------------------------------------
  7. #
  8. # @Project Name : 王者荣耀壁纸下载
  9. #
  10. # @File Name : main.py
  11. #
  12. # @Programmer : Felix
  13. #
  14. # @Start Date : 2020/7/30 14:42
  15. #
  16. # @Last Update : 2020/7/30 14:42
  17. #
  18. #-------------------------------------------------------------------
  19. '''
  20. import os, time, requests, json, re
  21. from retrying import retry
  22. from urllib import parse
  23. class HonorOfKings:
  24. '''
  25. This is a main Class, the file contains all documents.
  26. One document contains paragraphs that have several sentences
  27. It loads the original file and converts the original file to new content
  28. Then the new content will be saved by this class
  29. '''
  30. def __init__(self, save_path='./heros'):
  31. self.save_path = save_path
  32. self.time = str(time.time()).split( '.')
  33. self.url = 'https://apps.game.qq.com/cgi-bin/ams/module/ishow/V1.0/query/workList_inc.cgi?activityId=2735&sVerifyCode=ABCD&sDataType=JSON&iListNum=20&totalpage=0&page={}&iOrder=0&iSortNumClose=1&iAMSActivityId=51991&_everyRead=true&iTypeId=2&iFlowId=267733&iActId=2735&iModuleId=2735&_=%s' % self.time[ 0]
  34. def hello(self):
  35. '''
  36. This is a welcome speech
  37. :return: self
  38. '''
  39. print( "*" * 50)
  40. print( ' ' * 18 + '王者荣耀壁纸下载')
  41. print( ' ' * 5 + '作者: Felix Date: 2020-05-20 13:14')
  42. print( "*" * 50)
  43. return self
  44. def run(self):
  45. '''
  46. The program entry
  47. '''
  48. print( '↓' * 20 + ' 格式选择: ' + '↓' * 20)
  49. print( '1.缩略图 2.1024x768 3.1280x720 4.1280x1024 5.1440x900 6.1920x1080 7.1920x1200 8.1920x1440')
  50. size = input( '请输入您想下载的格式序号,默认6:')
  51. size = size if size and int(size) in [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] else 6
  52. print( '---下载开始...')
  53. page = 0
  54. offset = 0
  55. total_response = self.request(self.url.format(page)).text
  56. total_res = json.loads(total_response)
  57. total_page = --int(total_res[ 'iTotalPages'])
  58. print( '---总共 {} 页...' . format(total_page))
  59. while True:
  60. if offset > total_page:
  61. break
  62. url = self.url.format(offset)
  63. response = self.request(url).text
  64. result = json.loads(response)
  65. now = 0
  66. for item in result[ "List"]:
  67. now += 1
  68. hero_name = parse.unquote(item[ 'sProdName']).split( '-')[ 0]
  69. hero_name = re.sub( r'[【】:.<>|·@#$%^&() ]', '', hero_name)
  70. print( '---正在下载第 {} 页 {} 英雄 进度{}/{}...' . format(offset, hero_name, now, len(result[ "List"])))
  71. hero_url = parse.unquote(item[ 'sProdImgNo_{}'.format(str(size))])
  72. save_path = self.save_path + '/' + hero_name
  73. save_name = save_path + '/' + hero_url.split( '/')[ -2]
  74. if not os.path.exists(save_path):
  75. os.makedirs(save_path)
  76. if not os.path.exists(save_name):
  77. with open(save_name, 'wb') as f:
  78. response_content = self.request(hero_url.replace( "/200", "/0")).content
  79. f.write(response_content)
  80. offset += 1
  81. print( '---下载完成...')
  82. @retry(stop_max_attempt_number=3)
  83. def request(self, url):
  84. '''
  85. Send a request
  86. :param url: the url of request
  87. :param timeout: the time of request
  88. :return: the result of request
  89. '''
  90. response = requests.get(url, timeout= 10)
  91. assert response.status_code == 200
  92. return response
  93. if __name__ == "__main__":
  94. HonorOfKings().hello().run()


  • 其实前端发送的是jsonp请求,这样的数据在python不好处理,因为不是标准的json格式
  • 因为其前面JQuery1710418919222这个字符串,而知道jsonp的请求的都知道,有这个前缀,必然请求链接中有相同的callback参数,将其删除即可
  • 因此我python代码中是删除了这个参数的
  • 这个链接还有很多参数,其实我觉得很多都可以删除,但是我懒得慢慢去试
  • 这个请求链接中最重要的一个参数必然就是页码数,也就是page这个参数,iListNum=20&totalpage=0&page={}
  • 上面的三个参数是可用的,一个是20,指每页的数量,totalpage估计没啥用,page抓包发现是从0开始的,这个需要注意一下,因为下面代码需要将总页数减1
self.url = 'https://apps.game.qq.com/cgi-bin/ams/module/ishow/V1.0/query/workList_inc.cgi?activityId=2735&sVerifyCode=ABCD&sDataType=JSON&iListNum=20&totalpage=0&page={}&iOrder=0&iSortNumClose=1&iAMSActivityId=51991&_everyRead=true&iTypeId=2&iFlowId=267733&iActId=2735&iModuleId=2735&_=%s' % self.time[0]


  • 开始运行时,让你选择想下载格式的序号,为什么是8个格式呢,看原网页就知道了,8种不同分辨率的
  • 看上面的图片,缩略图链接有1-8,对应了8中分辨率的缩略图,那么原图必然也是8种
  • 这里我默认1920*1080的,一般电脑用这个分辨率的都可以
  • 其中1的原图,你自己试下,其实也是一个缩略图,所以一般下载选择2-8

  1. print( '↓' * 20 + ' 格式选择: ' + '↓' * 20)
  2. print( '1.缩略图 2.1024x768 3.1280x720 4.1280x1024 5.1440x900 6.1920x1080 7.1920x1200 8.1920x1440')
  3. size = input( '请输入您想下载的格式序号,默认6:')
  4. size = size if size and int(size) in [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] else 6


  • 第一次请求主要是为了获取总页数,但是请求是从0开始为第一页,所以需要减去1
  • while true中就是开始从0循环去请求地址,先找到缩略图地址,然后将缩略图的地址链接200替换成0就是目标图片地址了
  • 如果名字中有特殊字符,就将其用正则去除,不然可能会影响路径的查找

  1. print( '---下载开始...')
  2. page = 0
  3. offset = 0
  4. total_response = self.request(self.url.format(page)).text
  5. total_res = json.loads(total_response)
  6. total_page = --int(total_res[ 'iTotalPages'])
  7. print( '---总共 {} 页...' . format(total_page))
  8. while True:
  9. if offset > total_page:
  10. break
  11. url = self.url.format(offset)
  12. response = self.request(url).text
  13. result = json.loads(response)
  14. now = 0
  15. for item in result[ "List"]:
  16. now += 1
  17. hero_name = parse.unquote(item[ 'sProdName']).split( '-')[ 0]
  18. hero_name = re.sub( r'[【】:.<>|·@#$%^&() ]', '', hero_name)
  19. print( '---正在下载第 {} 页 {} 英雄 进度{}/{}...' . format(offset, hero_name, now, len(result[ "List"])))
  20. hero_url = parse.unquote(item[ 'sProdImgNo_{}'.format(str(size))])
  21. save_path = self.save_path + '/' + hero_name
  22. save_name = save_path + '/' + hero_url.split( '/')[ -2]
  23. if not os.path.exists(save_path):
  24. os.makedirs(save_path)
  25. if not os.path.exists(save_name):
  26. with open(save_name, 'wb') as f:
  27. response_content = self.request(hero_url.replace( "/200", "/0")).content
  28. f.write(response_content)
  29. offset += 1
  30. print( '---下载完成...')



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