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    frp 是一个专注于内网穿透的高性能的反向代理应用,支持 TCP、UDP、HTTP、HTTPS 等多种协议。可以将内网服务以安全、便捷的方式通过具有公网 IP 节点的中转暴露到公网。

    frp is a high-performance reverse proxy application focusing on intranet penetration, supporting multiple protocols such as TCP, UDP, HTTP, and HTTPS. Intranet services can be exposed to the public network through a relay with public network IP nodes in a safe and convenient way.

为什么使用 frp ?

Why use frp?


    通过在具有公网 IP 的节点上部署 frp 服务端,可以轻松地将内网服务穿透到公网,同时提供诸多专业的功能特性,这包括:

    By deploying the frp server on a node with a public network IP, you can easily penetrate the internal network service to the public network, while providing many professional features, including:

    客户端服务端通信支持 TCP、KCP 以及 Websocket 等多种协议。

    The client-server communication supports multiple protocols such as TCP, KCP, and Websocket.

    采用 TCP 连接流式复用,在单个连接间承载更多请求,节省连接建立时间。

    Use TCP connection streaming multiplexing to carry more requests between a single connection, saving connection establishment time.


    Load balancing between proxy groups.


    Port reuse, multiple services are exposed through the same server port.

    多个原生支持的客户端插件(静态文件查看,HTTP、SOCK5 代理等)便于独立使用 frp 客户端完成某些工作。

    Multiple natively supported client plug-ins (static file viewing, HTTP, SOCK5 proxy, etc.) facilitate independent use of frp client to complete certain tasks.


    The highly extensible server-side plug-in system facilitates functional expansion according to your own needs.

    服务端和客户端 UI 页面。

      Server and client UI pages.


    To put it simply, frp is a reverse proxy software, its size is small and powerful, after talking about the intranet IP for frp reverse proxy, you can use the proxy IP to access the services of the intranet machine, such as remote desktop, although remote desktop There are third-party software to replace, such as Sunflower, teamviewer, and other software for remote. These softwares have some criticisms. Sunflower does not have a membership rate limit, and the tv login remote connection will be slow. So you can consider using intranet penetration or reverse proxy.


    Intranet penetration can refer to: there is a public IP address


When using the port for access, the principle is as follows


Ready to work:



    1. First, there must be a cloud server to provide network bandwidth, and the frp proxy bandwidth is generally limited by the server bandwidth

    2. A target machine, that is, a machine that needs a reverse proxy


Cloud server configuration:


     Use commands to view the architecture of the cloud server, the general cloud server architecture is x86

  1. [ root@cby ~] # arch
  2. x86_64


      Use command to download frp package

  1. [ root@cby ~] # wget https://github.com/fatedier/frp/releases/download/v0.35.1/frp_0.35.1_linux_amd64.tar.gz


      Unzip after downloading

  1. [ root@cby ~]# tar -xvf frp_0 .35 .1_linux_amd64.tar.gz
  2. frp_0 .35 .1_linux_amd64/
  3. frp_0 .35 .1_linux_amd64/frps.ini
  4. frp_0 .35 .1_linux_amd64/frps_full.ini
  5. frp_0 .35 .1_linux_amd64/systemd/
  6. frp_0 .35 .1_linux_amd64/systemd/ frpc@.service
  7. frp_0 .35 .1_linux_amd64/systemd/frpc.service
  8. frp_0 .35 .1_linux_amd64/systemd/frps.service
  9. frp_0 .35 .1_linux_amd64/systemd/ frps@.service
  10. frp_0 .35 .1_linux_amd64/frpc
  11. frp_0 .35 .1_linux_amd64/frpc_full.ini
  12. frp_0 .35 .1_linux_amd64/frps
  13. frp_0 .35 .1_linux_amd64/frpc.ini
  14. frp_0 .35 .1_linux_amd64/LICENSE


    Modify folder name

  1. [root@cby ~]cp  -r  frp_0 .35 .1_linux_amd64  frp
  2. [root@cby ~]#
  3. [root@cby ~]# ll
  4. total 8508
  5. drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Feb 19 22 :13 frp
  6. drwxr-xr-x 3 mysql 116 4096 Jan 25 16 :25 frp_0 .35 .1_linux_amd64
  7. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 8695632 Jan 25 16 :25 frp_0 .35 .1_linux_amd64 .tar .gz


    Only need to pay attention to the following files

  1. frps
  2. frps .ini
  3. frpc
  4. frpc .ini

    frps 、frps.ini 这俩个文件是服务端的配置文件和启动程序

    frpc、frpc.ini 这俩个文件是客户端的配置文件和启动程序

    The two files frps and frps.ini are the configuration files and startup programs of the server

    The two files frpc and frpc.ini are the configuration files and startup programs of the client


    Edit and add the following

  1. [root@cby frp] # vim frps.ini
  2. [root@cby frp] # cat frps.ini
  3. [common]
  4. bind_port = 7000
  5. dashboard_port = 7500
  6. token = 12345678
  7. dashboard_user = admin
  8. dashboard_pwd = admin
  9. vhost_http_port = 10080
  10. vhost_https_port = 10443


    Explain as follows

  1. bind_port”表示用于客户端和服务端连接的端口,这个端口号我们之后在配置客户端的时候要用到。
  2. dashboard_port”是服务端仪表板的端口,若使用7500端口,在配置完成服务启动后可以通过浏览器访问 x .x .x .x :7500 (其中 x .x .x .xVPSIP)查看 frp服务运行信息。
  3. token”是用于客户端和服务端连接的口令,请自行设置并记录,稍后会用到。
  4. dashboard_user”和“ dashboard_pwd”表示打开仪表板页面登录的用户名和密码,自行设置即可。
  5. vhost_http_port”和“ vhost_https_port”用于反向代理 HTTP主机时使用,本文不涉及 HTTP协议,因而照抄或者删除这两条均可。


    After the file is modified, you can use this command to start

  1. [ root@cby frp] # ./frps -c frps.ini
  2. 2021/ 02/ 19 22: 18: 45 [I] [root.go: 108] frps uses config file: frps.ini
  3. 2021/ 02/ 19 22: 18: 45 [I] [service.go: 190] frps tcp listen on 0.0 .0 .0: 7000
  4. 2021/ 02/ 19 22: 18: 45 [I] [service.go: 232] http service listen on 0.0 .0 .0: 10080
  5. 2021/ 02/ 19 22: 18: 45 [I] [service.go: 253] https service listen on 0.0 .0 .0: 10443
  6. 2021/ 02/ 19 22: 18: 45 [I] [service.go: 289] Dashboard listen on 0.0 .0 .0: 7500
  7. 2021/ 02/ 19 22: 18: 45 [I] [root.go: 217] frps started successfully


    If you use cloud server, remember to release the required port

    此时访问 x.x.x.x:7500 并使用自己设置的用户名密码登录,即可看到仪表板界面

    At this time, visit x.x.x.x:7500 and log in with the username and password you set, you can see the dashboard interface


    Just run the service in the background

  1. [ root@cby frp] # nohup ./frps -c frps.ini &
  2. [ 1] 4852
  3. [ root@cby frp] # jobs
  4. [ 1]+ Running nohup ./frps -c frps.ini &


Client configuration


    You can download this under Windows system:



    The content of the frpc.ini file is

  1. [common]
  2. server_addr = 123.56. 237.11
  3. server_port = 7000
  4. token = 12345678
  5. [rdp]
  6. type = tcp
  7. local_ip = 127.0. 0.1
  8. local_port = 3389
  9. remote_port = 7001
  10. [smb]
  11. type = tcp
  12. local_ip = 127.0. 0.1
  13. local_port = 445
  14. remote_port = 7002


    Meaning interpretation

  1. “server_addr”为服务端IP地址,填入即可。
  2. “server_port”为服务器端口,填入你设置的端口号即可,如果未改变就是 7000
  3. “token”是你在服务器上设置的连接口令,原样填入即可。


    The custom rules are as follows

  1. [xxx]”表示一个规则名称,自己定义,便于查询即可。
  2. type”表示转发的协议类型,有 TCPUDP等选项可以选择,如有需要请自行查询 frp手册。
  3. local_port”是本地应用的端口号,按照实际应用工作在本机的端口号填写即可。
  4. remote_port”是该条规则在服务端开放的端口号,自己填写并记录即可。

    客户端的启动是需要使用命令行进行启动的, 无法使用双击EXE进行启动。

    The startup of the client needs to use the command line to start, it cannot be started by double-clicking the EXE.

  1. C:\ Users\ Administrator>cd c:\
  2. c:\>cd frp
  3. c:\frp>frpc.exe - c frpc.ini
  4. 2021/ 02/ 19 22: 35: 49 [ I] [service.go: 290] [bf2998700defd7c5] login to server success, get run id [bf2998700defd7c5], server udp port [ 0]
  5. 2021/ 02/ 19 22: 35: 49 [ I] [proxy_manager.go: 144] [bf2998700defd7c5] proxy added: [rdp smb]
  6. 2021/ 02/ 19 22: 35: 49 [ I] [control.go: 180] [bf2998700defd7c5] [rdp] start proxy success
  7. 2021/ 02/ 19 22: 35: 49 [ I] [control.go: 180] [bf2998700defd7c5] [smb] start proxy success


    After the configuration is complete, you can see the rule on the panel



     At the same time, use the remote connection tool to connect using IP or domain name


    However, the cmd of the Windows client cannot be closed, and it cannot be used after it is closed, so you need to set the boot to start automatically, and you can use the bat script

  1. @echo off
  2. if "%1" == "h" goto begin
  3. mshta vbscript:createobject( "wscript.shell").run( "" "%~nx0" " h", 0)(window.close)&& exit
  4. :begin
  5. REM
  6. cd C:\frp
  7. frpc.exe -c frpc.ini
  8. exit


After writing, throw the file directly into the Windows startup folder.

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